Patient education and counseling
Editorial Comment
Argumentation and persuasion in patient-centred communication.
To describe patient-provider communication about opioid pain medicine and explore how these discussions affect provider attitudes toward patients. ⋯ Empathy and pain acknowledgment are tools that clinicians can use to facilitate productive discussions of pain management.
Use of electronic health records (EHRs) in primary-care exam rooms changes the dynamics of patient-physician interaction. This study examines and compares doctor-patient non-verbal communication (eye-gaze patterns) during primary care encounters for three different screen/information sharing groups: (1) active information sharing, (2) passive information sharing, and (3) technology withdrawal. ⋯ Doctors can engage patients in communication by using EHRs in the visits. EHR training and design should facilitate this.
To determine whether attitudes toward patient-centered care differed by socio-demographic characteristics (race, gender, socioeconomic status) among a cohort of 3191 first year Black and White medical students attending a stratified random sample of US medical schools. ⋯ Medical school curricula with targeted messages about the benefits and value of patient-centered care, framed in ways that are consistent with the beliefs and world-view of medical students and the recruitment of a socioeconomically diverse sample of students into medical schools are vital for improved care.
We developed a communication instrument to be used in the Emergency Department (ED) and hypothesized that use of this guide would increase patient comprehension of and satisfaction with care. ⋯ Providing a structured place for providers and patients to record details of care does not seem to improve satisfaction with or comprehension of care. Interventions that focus on communication skills and face time with patients may prove more effective.