Review Case Reports
The management of caesarean section in a patient with an intracranial arteriovenous malformation.
The anaesthetic management of elective Caesarean section in a 25-year-old woman with an inoperable intracranial arteriovenous malformation is described. The literature is reviewed.
The types and frequency of complications attributable solely to anaesthesia, and which caused serious morbidity and substantial negative outcome, were examined in a prospective study of 7306 anaesthetics. The analysis demonstrated that severe complications and mortality attributable to anaesthesia occurred in 0.59% (1:170) and 0.04% (1:2500) of patients respectively. The data suggest that "high-risk' patients are more likely to be affected by errors and a substantial negative outcome than more healthy patients. ⋯ Anaesthetists are faced with an increasing number of patients who are at high risk, and who undergo increasingly extensive surgical interventions. Concomitant with the increasing complexity of care and increasing demands on the anaesthetists may be an expected increase in the incidence of errors. Recognition of the importance of human factors in morbidity and mortality attributable to anaesthesia is a necessary first step.
Serial haemodynamic investigations were performed in 20 women who had epidural anaesthesia before elective Caesarean section. Cardiac output was measured by Doppler and cross-sectional echocardiography at the aortic valve. Measurements were performed after preloading the circulation with Ringer lactate solution (mean volume 805 ml) and then 10, 20, 30 and 40 minutes after administration of 0.5% bupivacaine. ⋯ In three of these subjects hypotension was associated with a marked decrease in cardiac output. No significant changes in arterial blood pressure or cardiac output were demonstrated relative to basal values in the remaining 15 subjects. Ephedrine induced consistent increases in blood pressure and cardiac output.
The Duostim model TV02 is a new peripheral nerve stimulator designed both for nerve identification in the performance of regional anaesthesia and for monitoring neuromuscular blockade. The output pulses are unipolar and of adjustable constant current. The provision of single twitch (1 Hz and 1/15 Hz) train-of-four and tetanic stimuli, together with indication of the current delivered and the small size of the unit, facilitate its clinical use. Performance was assessed and found to be according to specification.
The management of a persistent, incapacitating postdural puncture headache that required four consecutive autologous epidural blood patches is presented. Inadequate blood volumes, early patching and steroid in the epidural space are considered as possible causes of failure. Other associated problems and interventions are briefly discussed.