The Medical journal of Australia
A comparison of the main causes of maternal death in Australia and in England and Wales over the same three-year period from 1967 to 1969 was undertaken, based on the trienneal reports from the two countires. In this triennium the maternal mortality rates (maternal deaths due to pregnancy and childbirth and not including associated maternal deaths) of the two countries were very similar, that of Australia being 0.23 per 1,000 and that of England and Wales being 0.21 per 1,000. ⋯ In 1972 Neil and Townsend compared the first report on maternal deaths in the Commonwealth of Australia with the fifth report on maternal deaths in England and Wales, covering the triennium 1964 to 1966. The purpose of this article is to compare the reports on the triennium 1967 to 1969 (Beischer et alii, 1972); Report on Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths in England and Wales, 1967-1969) and to comment on the improvements which have occurred in this triennium.