Cochrane Db Syst Rev
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2002
Review Meta AnalysisInterventions for preventing oral candidiasis for patients with cancer receiving treatment.
Treatment of cancer is increasingly more effective but is associated with short and long-term side effects. Oral side effects remain a major source of illness despite the use of a variety of agents to prevent and treat them. One of these side effects is oral candidiasis. ⋯ There is strong evidence, from randomised controlled trials, that drugs absorbed or partially absorbed from the GI tract prevent oral candidiasis in patient receiving treatment for cancer. There is also evidence that these drugs are significantly better at preventing oral candidiasis than drugs not absorbed from the GI.
The prevalence of obesity and overweight is increasing in both adult and child populations throughout the world. Obesity in children impacts on their health in both the short and longer term, and obesity prevention is an international public health priority. However, the efficacy of prevention strategies is poorly understood. ⋯ There is limited high quality data on the effectiveness of obesity prevention programs and no generalisable conclusions can be drawn. However, concentration on strategies that encourage reduction in sedentary behaviours and increase in physical activity may be fruitful. The need for well-designed studies that examine a range of interventions remains a priority, although a number of important studies are underway.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Jan 2002
ReviewBisphosphonates for the relief of pain secondary to bone metastases.
Bisphosphonates form part of standard therapy for hypercalcemia and the prevention of skeletal events in some cancers. However, the role of bisphosphonates in pain relief for bony metastases remains uncertain. ⋯ There is evidence to support the effectiveness of bisphosphonates in providing some pain relief for bone metastases. There is insufficient evidence to recommend bisphosphonates for immediate effect; as first line therapy; to define the most effective bisphosphonates or their relative effectiveness for different primary neoplasms. Bisphosphonates should be considered where analgesics and/or radiotherapy are inadequate for the management of painful bone metastases.
Fracture of the distal radius is a common clinical problem, particularly in older white women with osteoporosis. ⋯ The available evidence from randomised trials is insufficient to establish the relative effectiveness of the various interventions used in the rehabilitation of adults with fractures of the distal radius.
The evidence to support the use of nebulized morphine to improve dyspnoea and exercise limitation in terminally ill patients with chronic lung disease is conflicting. ⋯ The hypothesis that nebulized morphine may reduce dyspnoea in patients with interstitial lung disease has not been confirmed in the single small RCT identified.