Nursing times
The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) was first used in anaesthetic practice in the 1980s. It is now increasingly promoted as a first-line airway device during resuscitation, if a practitioner skilled in tracheal intubation is not available (Resuscitation Council (UK), 2002).
New guidelines on the management of suspected bacterial urinary tract infection in adults have just been released by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). The guidance states that the presence of bacteriuria should lead to antibiotic treatment only when there is definitive evidence that eradicating the bacterial infection will result in a tangible health gain at a reasonable level of risk (SIGN, 2006).
Palliative care services provided by the primary sector have changed considerably over recent years and patients and carers want choice over end-of-life care. In response to this need, the Macmillan Gold Standards Framework has been introduced and funded by the NHS as its chosen end-of-life programme. Clinical experience suggests the framework provides a better quality of care, improves staff morale and patient satisfaction, and reduces hospital and hospice occupancy.