Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova
Vestn. Khir. Im. I. I. Grek. · Apr 1980
Comparative Study[Clinical physiological basis of the modern concept of the mechanism of action of peridural anesthesia].
Under study was the clinical picture of the conduction blockade in 91 patients divided into 3 groups. The first (control) group was subjected to peridural anesthesia by the conventional technique. ⋯ The third group of patients was also subjected to peridural anesthesia fulfilled by the conventional technique, liquor barbotage being added by the analogy with spinal anesthesia. The author considers the data obtained to suggest that peridural anesthesia is in its physiological basis a delayed spinal anesthesia restricted by the root subarachnoid spaces under the condition of low concentrations of the anesthetic solutions to be used.