Versicherungsmedizin / herausgegeben von Verband der Lebensversicherungs-Unternehmen e.V. und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V
Versicherungsmedizin · Jun 1996
Review[Microalbuminuria in diabetes mellitus--illness or symptom?].
Microalbuminuria (MA) is a term used for urinary albumin excretion between 20 and 200 micrograms/min. or 30-300 mg/24 h. This definition is not used by all authors. In addition, various methods may influence the results. ⋯ They reduce albumin excretion by 50%. In a single study (yet) with type 1 diabetes mortality also was reduced by 40-50%. This would imply that the excess mortality could be halved in patients undergoing this treatment.