Versicherungsmedizin / herausgegeben von Verband der Lebensversicherungs-Unternehmen e.V. und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V
Versicherungsmedizin · Jun 1997
Review[Fat embolism--a too infrequently determined pathoanatomic diagnosis].
In 1993, pulmonary fat embolism occurred in 92 cases (17%) out of 527 clinical autopsies. It was found in 62% of patients who had suffered bone fractures, in 9% with soft tissue surgery and in 53% after resuscitation; non-traumatic fat embolism was present in 6% of the cases. ⋯ A retrospective analysis of the clinical data revealed no specific symptoms: a so called fat embolism syndrome had not been discovered clinically in any of the cases with histologically proven fat embolism. The significance of pulmonary fat embolism as a cause of death with regard to histological and clinical findings is discussed.