Versicherungsmedizin / herausgegeben von Verband der Lebensversicherungs-Unternehmen e.V. und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V
Versicherungsmedizin · Mar 2003
Review[The so-called trauma criterium (A--Criterium in DSM-IV) of post-traumatic stress disorder and its significance for social and legal insurance (II)].
Since the diagnosis post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was included in the American diagnosis system DSM-III in 1980, the ongoing scientific discussion has led to a shift in the definition of the so called A-criterion (trauma criterion) away from the general theory that the disease-causing event has to be outside normal human experience towards the point of view that it is more or less determined by the subjective experience of the individual. Without wishing to become involved in the discussion, in the publication the author tries to explain, on the basis of references to basic concepts found in insurance law (accident, initial damage, suitability of event, objectivity, epidemiological considerations), that in social insurance as well as in non-life insurance an objective insured event which has a severe emotional impact on the individual is a prerequisite for payment. The conclusion is that not every mental disorder which occurs after an insured event and which has quite rightly been classified as PTSD (or partial PTSD) on the basis of the symptoms involved in accordance with ICD-10/DSM-IV (criteria B-D) necessarily results in payment under insurance law.