Respiratory therapy
The merger of cardiopulmonary and respiratory therapy services is under way, and the trend toward consolidation is likely to continue. Future-minded respiratory therapists are banking on cardiopulmonary skills to contribute to career growth.
Half the task of setting up a quality assurance program is selling the idea to departments and enlisting committee members with positive attitudes to seek out and help solve problems.
Respiratory therapy · May 1983
The battle for home care reimbursement. Will RTs be ready once it is won?
RTs wil have many contributions to make to the home health care team when their role is officially recognized and reimbursed. Training for the special needs of home care patients, including problems of dependence and motivation, is already a part of many RT training programs.
Two major issues that respiratory care managers must deal with are overutilization of services and cost containment. Using the therapy evaluation program detailed here, respiratory personnel assist the physicians in therapy assessment, communicate suggestions to them, and document the patient care plan on a concurrent patient care audit form.