A tool to help you provide your patients with the best, personalized, individualized and evidence-based care that only one clinician is able to provide in the context of that relationship: you

How long does it take you to change your practice after the evidence shifts?

  • Is peri-operative beta-blockade helpful or harmful?
  • What about aspirin or clonidine?
  • What is the consequence of renal replacement therapy for ICU outcomes?
  • How about bi-level ventilation?
  • Is a remifentanil PCA a viable alternative to labor epidurals?
  • Is procedural sedation in the ER safe?
  • Does dexamethasone prolong local anesthesia?
  • Can the cervical spine be safely cleared clinically alone?
  • Is rocuronium an appropriate first choice when emergently intubating?
  • Does targeted fluid therapy speed discharge?

evidence flow

Individual articles and papers do not change practice on their own — it's the ebb and flow of building evidence, weighed against what has come before and what is already known that when integrated by you, the informed clinician, then leads to practice change.

Yet if you only occassionally dip your hand into that stream of evidence your understanding of each piece will always be incomplete.

So how can you stay abreast of the most significant and highest quality research without missing what is truly relevant to you, your patients and your practice?

Metajournal envelope

Metajournal provides personalized quality evidence for you.

magically relevant

An almost-magical ability to
recommend relevant evidence
for your practice.

What makes metajournal so special and unique is its almost-magical ability to recommended you personalized evidence. While two clinicians can likely agree on the relative quality of a paper, and perhaps even the significance of new evidence for your greater specialty, personal relevance is a much more difficult need to satisfy.

Metajournal provides an answer.

What makes a paper personally relevant depends on your practice, your interests, your patients and your environment. Personal relevance may share similarity between any two clinicians, but it will never be exactly the same.

Metajournal provides the best article recommendations available.

Better than flipping through journals, better than traditional eTOCs (electronic table of contents), better than Journal Watch, F1000 or QxMD – even better than those from your colleagues.

Metajournal gets to work as soon as you choose your specialty and topics of interest

How does metajournal work?

1. Choose your specialty

2. Topics of Interest

3. Stay up to date

just the beginning

Where's this all going?

This is just the beginning for metajournal.

Metajournal's goal is to help all clinicians stay up to date with practice changing research, while balancing the onslaught of an ever-increasing volume of evidence. The metajournal mission is to continuously help you to become a better doctor – and so help improve the health of every patient you care for.

We strongly believe that improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare throughout the world by tirelessly challenging each and every clinician to become better informed is a noble goal. Get better at what you do. Be the best clinician you can be – both for you and your patients.

Metajournal will not be a static resource, but rather a handcrafted tool that helps you the clinican effortlessly build and maintain your own evidence-based resources, to improve your practice, to help your patients – and to share-the-love with the greater healthcare community!

Who is this Daniel guy?

Metajournal daniel jolley

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