Lancet neurology
Neurofilament light chain (NfL) is a promising biomarker of active axonal injury and neuronal degeneration. We aimed to characterise cross-sectional and longitudinal plasma NfL measurements and determine the age at which NfL concentrations begin to differentiate between carriers of the presenilin 1 (PSEN1) E280A (Glu280Ala) mutation and age-matched non-carriers from the Colombian autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease kindred. ⋯ National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Banner Alzheimer's Foundation, COLCIENCIAS, the Torsten Söderberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Alzheimer Foundation, the Swedish Brain Foundation, and the Swedish state under the ALF-agreement.
Disease-modifying treatments are in development for Huntington's disease; crucial to their success is to identify a timepoint in a patient's life when there is a measurable biomarker of early neurodegeneration while clinical function is still intact. We aimed to identify this timepoint in a novel cohort of young adult premanifest Huntington's disease gene carriers (preHD) far from predicted clinical symptom onset. ⋯ Wellcome Trust, CHDI Foundation.