Annales de cardiologie et d'angéiologie
Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) · Jun 1993
Review Case Reports[Left bundle-branch block and chest pain of simultaneous occurrence during exercise].
The authors report a new case of left bundle branch block with pain during exercise, with arteriographically normal coronary arteries. Clinical findings and the course of the condition are reviewed. Pathophysiological mechanisms are discussed, with attribution of first place to an ischemic theory.
The combination of surgery and heart disease is common. The incidence of both heart disease and surgery increase with the age of patients. However, the surgical risk in the cardiac patient and particularly in the coronary or heart failure patient is considerably aggravated. ⋯ Pre-anesthetic cardiological consultation is therefore an important part of the evaluation and preparation of the patient before surgery. This is carried out at the request of the anesthetist and can provide a diagnosis or adapt a treatment and above all define the cardiovascular competence of the patient. Diagnostic and therapeutic means available to the cardiologist are essential in defining and if possible reducing the cardiac handicap of patients before the hemodynamic challenge represented by the combination of anesthesia and surgery.
Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) · Apr 1993
[Intravenous and oral propafenone in the treatment and prevention of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation].
The efficacy of propafenone in the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was investigated in 16 patients presenting with frequent and/or poorly tolerated paroxysmal atrial fibrillation despite prophylactic treatment in 13 patients. Prolonged atrial fibrillation (> 10 minutes) was triggered in 16 patients following a standard atrial stimulation protocol. Intravenous injection of propafenone (2 mg/kg over 5 minutes) restored sinus rhythm in 12 patients (75%) within 15 minutes after the end of the injection. ⋯ Three patients suffered side effects which did not make it necessary to stop treatment. This study suggests that intravenous propafenone is effective against persistent atrial fibrillation induced by stimulation. Oral propafenone may be useful for the prevention of attacks of recalcitrant paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) · Nov 1991
Case Reports[Disseminated intravascular coagulation and chronic aortic dissection].
The authors report a case of chronic dissection of the aorta discovered during the evaluation of disseminated intravascular coagulation. The first signs of bleeding occurred 4 years after the initial aortic trauma at the time of unclamping of the aorta during an aorto-coronary bypass. This case was characterised by the severity of coagulation abnormalities, the severe thrombocytopenia and that of platelet aggregation events.
Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) · Oct 1988
[Chronic pulmonary heart. Apropos of 41 cases at the Cardiology Department of the Ignace-Deen University Hospital in Conakry].
In 5 years, 41 cases of chronic pulmonary heart were observed at the University Hospital Ignace-Deen in Conakry, representing 7.14 p. cent of hospitalized patients, thus ranking 4th after Hypertension, various myocardiopathies, and valvulopathies. These patients are from a rural background in 65.21 p. cent of the cases. Chronic bronchitis, 4 p. cent of the cases, and bronchial asthma, 27 p. cent of the cases, represent the main causes. An important factor is that all patients were hospitalized with heart failure, at different stages of NYAH.