Neurocritical care
A common observation in closed head injuries is the contrecoup brain injury. As the in vivo brain is less dense than the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), one hypothesis explaining this observation is that upon skull impact, the denser CSF moves toward the site of skull impact displacing the brain in the opposite direction, such that the initial impact of the brain parenchyma is at the contrecoup location. ⋯ The pattern of brain injury in which the contrecoup injury is greater than the coup injury is a result of initial movement of the brain in the contrecoup location. During the process of closed head injury, the brain parenchyma is initially displaced away from the site of skull impact and toward the contrecoup site resulting in the more severe brain contusion.
Several neurological conditions may present to the emergency department (ED) with airway compromise or respiratory failure. The severity of respiratory involvement in these patients may not always be obvious. Proper pulmonary management can significantly reduce the respiratory complications associated with the morbidity and mortality of these patients. ⋯ Several precautions must be taken when using these drugs to minimize potentially fatal complications. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation may obviate the need for intubation in a select population of patients. This article reviews airway management, with a particular emphasis on the use of RSI for common neurological problems presenting to the ED.
It is controversial whether a low cerebral blood flow (CBF) simply reflects the severity of injury or whether ischemia contributes to the brain's injury. It is also not clear whether posttraumatic cerebral hypoperfusion results from intracranial hypertension or from pathologic changes of the cerebral vasculature. The answers to these questions have important implications for whether and how to treat a low CBF. ⋯ In patients with CBF<18 mL/100 g/minutes, intracranial hypertension plays a major causative role in the reduction in CBF. Treatment would most likely be directed at controlling intracranial pressure, but the early, severe intracranial hypertension also probably indicates a severe brain injury. For levels of CBF between 18 and 40 mL/100 g/minutes, the presence of regional hypoperfusion was a more important factor in reducing the average CBF.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality with widespread social, personal, and financial implications for those who survive. TBI is caused by four main events: motor vehicle accidents, sporting injuries, falls, and assaults. Similarly to international statistics, annual incidence reports for TBI in Australia are between 100 and 288 per 100,000. ⋯ Currently, indirect brain oximetry is used for cerebral oxygenation determination, which provides some information regarding global oxygenation levels. A newly developed oximetry technique, has shown promising results for the early detection of cerebral ischemia. ptiO2 monitoring provides a safe, easy, and sensitive method of regional brain oximetry, providing a greater understanding of neurophysiological derangements and the potential for correcting abnormal oxygenation earlier, thus improving patient outcome. This article reviews the current status of bedside monitoring for patients with TBI and considers whether ptiO2 has a role in the modern intensive care setting.
Neurogenic pulmonary edema (NPE) is a well-known complication of acute brain injury. Neurogenic stunned myocardium (NSM) occurs clinically in a significant subset of patients with NPE. A 49-year-old woman developed refractory cerebral vasospasm requiring angioplasty following a subarachnoid hemorrhage. ⋯ A 56-year-old woman developed NPE during complicated coil embolization of an internal carotid artery aneurysm. Cardiac function was normal, and the NPE resolved with a brief period of mechanical ventilation and diuresis. The delayed appearance of NSM and NPE during endovascular therapy in these patients implies a degree of risk for sympathetically mediated cardiopulmonary dysfunction during complex intracranial endovascular procedures.