Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg · Nov 2009
Comparative StudyMinimal extracorporeal circulation and off-pump compared to conventional cardiopulmonary bypass in coronary surgery.
Although minimal extracorporeal circulation (MECC) and off-pump surgery are equal or better alternatives to conventional cardiopulmonary bypass (CCPB) regarding perioperative morbidity, use of blood and blood products and completeness of revascularization, CCPB is still being used in the majority of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) operations. ⋯ Perioperative morbidity of MECC and OPCAB is comparable to or even less in comparison to CCPB. MECC allows CABG surgery in cardiac arrest so that completeness of revascularization is being warranted and longer patency rates can be guaranteed. Furthermore, the use of blood and blood products is significantly less in MECC surgery so that MECC should be considered first choice in CABG surgery over CCPB and OPCAB.
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg · Nov 2009
ReviewDoes intermittent cross-clamp fibrillation provide equivalent myocardial protection compared to cardioplegia in patients undergoing bypass graft revascularisation?
A best evidence topic in cardiac surgery was written according to a structured protocol. The question addressed was: does intermittent cross-clamp fibrillation provide equivalent myocardial protection compared to cardioplegia in patients undergoing bypass graft revascularisation? Altogether, 58 papers were found using the reported search, of which 13 represented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. The authors, journal, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes and results of these papers are tabulated. ⋯ The ischaemic duration associated with intermittent cross-clamp fibrillation is invariably shorter than that associated with cardioplegic arrest, and this may be one explanation for the comparable outcomes. There may also be an element of preconditioning protection during the intermittent cross-clamp fibrillation method, as has been shown experimentally. During elective CABG in patients with no clinical evidence of aortic or cerebro-vascular disease, the incidence of peri-operative microemboli (ME) and postoperative neuropsychological disturbances are shown to be comparable with both techniques of myocardial preservation.
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg · Nov 2009
Comparative StudyAge >or=75 years is associated with greater resource utilization following coronary artery bypass grafting.
We examined whether complication rates and resource utilization among elderly patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) differed from their younger counterparts. A retrospective review of prospectively collected data was conducted of 2936 patients undergoing first-time isolated CABG. Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics were collected, and patients grouped according to age into those <75 years (n=2424, younger) and >or=75 years (n=512, older). ⋯ Older patients incurred longer intensive care stays (2 days interquartile range (IQR) [1-3] vs. 1 day IQR [1-2]; P<0.0001) and a longer postoperative stay (8 days IQR [6-11] vs. 6 days IQR [5-8]; P<0.0001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed age >or=75 years was an independent predictor of postoperative LOS (OR=1.23, 95% CI [0.49-1.96]; P=0.001). Older patients aged >or=75 years undergoing CABG had significantly higher rates of postoperative complications and greater resource utilization than their younger counterparts.
We report our experience with repair of a variety of congenital heart defects utilizing a ministernotomy incision. A ministernotomy was used in 79 patients with a variety of congenital heart diseases from November 2004 to August 2007. Patients included 36 males and 43 females with ages ranging from 1 month to 122 months (median age, 22 months). ⋯ The intensive care unit (ICU) stay ranged from 1 to 21 days (median ICU stay, 1 day) and the hospital stay ranged from 2 to 56 days (median hospital stay, 4 days). There were no reinterventions for residual cardiac defects. We demonstrate the safety and efficacy of ministernotomy for the correction of a range of congenital heart defects with improved cosmetic results.
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg · Nov 2009
Primary sternal plating to prevent sternal wound complications after cardiac surgery: early experience and patterns of failure.
Sternal closure with rigid titanium plates (primary sternal plating) may reduce sternal wound complications in high-risk patients. We began performing primary sternal plating for the following indications: obesity, manual laborer, osteoporotic sternum, or intraoperative transverse sternal fracture. Patients receiving plate closure were compared to a risk-matched control group receiving wire closure. ⋯ No early sternal wound complications occurred in the plate group, compared to 12 (12%) in the wire group (P=0.067). The incidence of late sternal wound complications was 10% in both groups (P=1.0). Primary sternal plating appears to provide benefits over wire closure during the early postoperative period, but may not prevent late wound complications in patients with osteoporosis or extreme obesity.