Journal of women's health
Journal of women's health · May 2021
The Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Dual-Physician Couples: A Disproportionate Burden on Women Physicians.
Background: Currently, physicians face an unprecedented crisis with the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. The impact of the pandemic on dual-physician households remains unknown. In this survey study, we examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dual-physician families and described gendered differences related to the impact of the pandemic. ⋯ Multivariable analysis revealed that female gender (odds ratio [OR] 2.4, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.7-3.3, p < 0.001), and having children younger than 5 years of age (OR 1.43, 95% CI 1.05-1.95, p = 0.02) were associated with an increased risk of feeling more drained. Conclusions: Women were more likely to report increased worry about job security, finances, and health and had an increased risk of feeling more drained during the pandemic. While the COVID-19 pandemic is a significant stress for all physicians, women in dual-physician families were disproportionately affected, demonstrating the need for increased support from hospital administrations.
Journal of women's health · May 2021
Cardiometabolic and Thrombotic Risk Profile in Women Undergoing Oocyte Donation for Assisted Reproduction.
Background: The last two decades have seen a growing number of pregnancies in women who needed the donation of oocytes. With oocyte donation pregnancies, studies on obstetric outcomes among these women revealed an increased incidence of pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Furthermore, several studies have found a higher incidence of low birth weight, preterm birth, and delivery by cesarean section in oocyte donation rather than in women subjected to assisted reproduction techniques (ART) with autologous oocytes. ⋯ Around 73.1% were >40 years and 35% of them were older than 45 years. There was a high prevalence of dyslipidemias (58.1%), smoking habit (24.6%), a body mass index >25 in 28.6% of patients, a high abdominal circumference in 58.1% of cases, a prevalence of acquired thrombophilia in about 7% and hereditary of 19.2%. Around 39.2% of patients had total cholesterol >200 mg/dL, 19.5% had high-density lipoprotein <48 mg/dL and 43.6% had low-density lipoprotein >115 mg/dL, and 6.9% had triglyceride values >150 mg/dL. Conclusions: A careful assessment of the preconceptional status of patients undergoing ART programs with oocyte donation can be highly recommended.
Journal of women's health · May 2021
Contraceptive Services After Medicaid Expansion in a State with a Medicaid Family Planning Waiver Program.
Background: Medicaid family planning programs provide coverage for contraceptive services to low-income women who otherwise do not meet eligibility criteria for Medicaid. In some states that expanded Medicaid eligibility following the Affordable Care Act (ACA), women who were previously eligible only for family planning services became eligible for full-scope Medicaid. The objective of this study was to provide context for the impact of the ACA Medicaid expansion on contraceptive service provision to women in Oregon who were newly enrolled in Medicaid following the expansion. Materials and Methods: We used Medicaid eligibility data to identify women ages 15-44 years who were newly enrolled in Oregon's Medicaid program following the ACA expansion (n = 305,042). ⋯ Community health centers played a significant role in contraceptive service provision, particularly for the implant and injectable. Nine of 10 women (89%) who received contraceptive services also received other preventive reproductive services. Conclusions: This study provides insight regarding receipt of contraceptive services and preventive reproductive care following Medicaid expansion in a state with a Medicaid family planning program. These findings underscore the importance of Medicaid expansion for reproductive health even in states with preexisting Medicaid family planning.
Journal of women's health · May 2021
Leadership Programs for Academic Women: Building Self-Efficacy and Organizational Leadership Capacity.
Background: Although numerous programs have evolved to develop leadership skills in women, few have conducted rigorous longitudinal evaluation of program outcomes. The purpose of this evaluation study is to measure the continuing impact of the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM®) program in its third decade of operation and to compare outcomes for graduates across the two programs (ELAM and Executive Leadership in Academic Technology, Engineering and Science [ELATES at Drexel®]), using a revised Leadership Learning and Career Development (LLCD) Survey. Methods: The LLCD survey was administered to program graduates between 2013 and 2016 upon entry, immediately after graduation, and 2 years after program completion. Two-way mixed effects analysis of variances were used to analyze differences between programs and changes over time. ⋯ Respondents showed a strong preference for serving the institution that both sponsored their participation in the leadership program development and supported their continuing contributions to the institution. Personal development goals became more elaborated, institutionally focused, and strategic. Conclusions: The findings support the effectiveness of two national leadership programs in supporting growth and maintenance of graduates' self-efficacy as they advanced in institutional leadership roles. The findings also provide practical direction for leadership professional development curricula and institutional support that can help to decrease the gender gap in academic leadership.