Maternal & child nutrition
Achieving sustainable production of eggs by family poultry production systems that meet both environmental health and welfare standards is a complex endeavour. Humans have been raising different species of poultry for thousands of years across many different agroecological zones. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has identified four different family poultry production systems: small extensive, extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive. ⋯ This paper addresses key issues associated with the production of family poultry eggs in support of both improved maternal and child nutrition and sustainable, nutrition-sensitive agricultural practices. It provides an overview of the history of poultry raising; characteristics of the different family poultry production systems; challenges and solutions to poultry production in low- and middle-income countries; poultry husbandry (including breeds, nutrition, and shelter); infectious disease prevention and control in line with national and international animal health regulations; and food safety (microbial pathogens, toxins, and egg storage). To ensure that bird, human, and environmental health can flourish, it is essential for interdisciplinary research and development teams to work in collaboration with communities to ensure the long-term environmental and economic sustainability of family poultry production enterprises that are a good fit with local circumstances.
Comparative Study
An analysis of the effects of intrapartum factors, neonatal characteristics, and skin-to-skin contact on early breastfeeding initiation.
This study aims to determine relationships between intrapartum factors, neonatal characteristics, skin-to-skin contact (SSC), and early breastfeeding initiation after spontaneous vaginal and Caesarean section or operative vaginal birth. A total of 915 mother-newborn dyads were considered in a hypothetical model based on integrated concepts of breastfeeding initiation model, infant learning framework, and attachment theory. Multiple-group path analysis was used to determine whether differences exist between effects of immediate SSC (≤30 min) on early breastfeeding initiation in different modes of birth. ⋯ Multiple-group analysis showed no significant difference between effects of immediate SSC on early breastfeeding initiation in different modes of birth (critical ratio = -0.309). Results showed that models satisfactorily fitted the data (minimum discrepancy divided by degrees of freedom = 1.466-1.943, goodness of fit index = 0.981-0.986, comparative fit index = 0.947-0.955, and root mean square error of approximation = 0.023-0.032). Our findings emphasize the crucial importance of prioritizing promotion of immediate SSC under different modes of birth.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Room for improvement in breast milk feeding after very preterm birth in Europe: Results from the EPICE cohort.
Breast milk feeding (BMF) is associated with lower neonatal morbidity in the very preterm infant (<32 weeks gestation) and breastfeeding is beneficial for maternal health. Previous studies show large variations in BMF after very preterm birth and recognize the need for targeted breastfeeding support in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU). In a European collaboration project about evidence-based practices after very preterm birth, we examined the association between maternal, obstetric, and infant clinical factors; neonatal and maternal care unit policies; and BMF at discharge from the NICU. ⋯ Vaginal delivery, singleton birth, and receiving mother's own milk at first enteral feed were associated with exclusive BMF at discharge. Units with a Baby Friendly Hospital accreditation improved any BMF at discharge; units with protocols for BMF and units using donor milk had higher rates of exclusive BMF at discharge. This study suggests that there is a high potential for improving BMF through policies and support in the NICU.
Traditional knowledge and practice of Indigenous Peoples related to their food use and well-being is a wealth of information for academic study and for public health nutrition. Despite unique long-evolved heritages of knowledge of ecosystem resources, Indigenous Peoples comprise 15% of the global poor, but only 5% of the world's population, and they experience poverty, discrimination, and poor nutritional health at far greater rates than mainstream populations in their nations of residence. These disparities are unacceptable in all human rights frameworks, and the call to alleviate them resonates through all human development programmes and the United Nations organizations. ⋯ These factors structure the impact of gender roles with Indigenous worldviews on the dynamics of family food access, its availability and use, and the use of local food biodiversity. Cultures of Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador, Nigeria, Thailand, India, Canada, Japan, and Morocco are discussed. This publication is a work of the Task Force on Traditional, Indigenous and Cultural Food and Nutrition of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences.
Mandatory iodine fortification of bread was introduced in 2009 in Australia in response to the reemergence of iodine deficiency. The aim of this study was to assess iodine intake, urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and their correlation in pregnant women (n = 783) recruited from South Australia 2 years following mandatory iodine fortification. Total iodine intake (food and supplements) and UIC were assessed at study entry (<20 weeks') and at 28 weeks' gestation. ⋯ Total iodine intake (food and supplements) from all women was positively, though weakly, correlated with UIC (r = .23, p < .001). In conclusion, pregnant women in South Australia are iodine sufficient postmandatory iodine fortification of bread. However, without iodine supplementation, it may be difficult to achieve a UIC >150 μg/L.