Acta neurochirurgica
Acta neurochirurgica · Jan 1998
Syringomyelia associated with type I Chiari malformation. A 21-year retrospective study on 75 cases treated by foramen magnum decompression with a special emphasis on the value of tonsils resection.
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate retrospectively the effects of several intra-operative manipulations on the results of foramen magnum decompression (FMD) in patients having syringomyelia associated with type I Chiari malformation. Seventy-five patients having syringomyelia associated with Chiari I malformation were operated on between 1975 and 1996. This population was grouped into 4 subgroups according to the surgical protocol: group I = 42 patients with FMD alone; group II = 16 patients with FMD and third ventricle shunting; group III = 9 patients with FMD and syringosubarachnoid shunting (SSS); group IV = 8 patients with FMD and cerebellar tonsils resection. ⋯ With a mean follow-up of 28 months, no patient required additional surgery. Postsurgical MRI syrinx reduction was observed in all 8 patients either in the early postoperative course or on delayed followup. It is suggested that tonsils resection might enhance the results of FMD in individuals having Chiari I-related syringomyelia.
Acta neurochirurgica · Jan 1998
Whole-body [18F]FDG PET in the management of metastatic brain tumours.
To determine its roles in the diagnosis and the systemic evaluation of metastatic brain tumours, whole-body positron emission tomography (PET) using [18F]FDG was performed in 20 consecutive patients. ⋯ It is suggested that whole-body [18F]FDG PET is a safe, reliable, and convenient method for the diagnosis and systemic evaluation of patients thought to be suffering or needing to be differentiated from a metastatic brain tumour.
To determine the influence of baseline paCO2 on the results of apnea testing in the diagnosis of brain death, we performed an open prospective study on 36 patients fulfilling all other criteria for the diagnosis of brain death according to the criteria proposed by the Advisory Board of the German Federal Chamber of Physicians. For testing of apnea, patients underwent hypoventilation with 100% oxygen supply until a baseline paCO2 of 40 torr (5.3 kPa, n = 24, group 1) or 60 torr (8.0 kPa, n = 12, group 2) was reached. Then, patients were disconnected from the ventilator and apneic oxygenation with insufflation of 61 O2/min into the tracheal cannula was performed for five minutes. ⋯ Secondary organ damage due to severe respiratory acidosis could not be excluded in the patients of group 2. As no complications were observed in group 1 and apnea was evident in all these patients, we consider a baseline paCO2 of 40 torr (5.3 kPa) sufficient to establish apnea after five minutes of apneic oxygenation if an increase of baseline paCO2 of at least 20 mmHg is documented by arterial blood gas sampling. A higher baseline paCO2 may endanger patients without yielding more specific testing results.
Acta neurochirurgica · Jan 1998
The use of cardiac troponin-I (cTnI) to determine the incidence of myocardial ischemia and injury in patients with aneurysmal and presumed aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
A prospective single center study was performed to determine the minimal preoperative incidence of unrecognized cardiac injury in patients suffering aneurysmal and presumed aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). When caring for such patients in the pre- and post operative period clinicians must be aware of the possibility of cardiac injury even when a history of previous cardiac symptomatology is not present. Forty-seven consecutive patients suffering from SAH over a five-month period underwent serum measurements of the cardiac muscle marker troponin I (cTnI) immediately upon admission. ⋯ None had recordings clearly consistent with recent myocardial ischemia although 13 were suggestive of ischemic changes. None of these 39 patients had pre- or post-operative clinical changes in cardiac function. Elevations in troponin I appeared to be unrelated to the patient's Hunt and Hess grade or Fisher score although our numbers were too small to draw any meaningful conclusions.
Acta neurochirurgica · Jan 1998
Comparative StudyA comparison between ventriculo-peritoneal and ventriculo-atrial cerebrospinal fluid shunts in relation to rate of revision and durability.
Results of 884 first-time shunts inserted in the time period from 1958 to 1989 are retrospectively evaluated, 1) to perform a durability analysis of a shunt based on Kaplan-Meyer method, 2) to compare the rate of revision for ventriculo-atrial (VA) and ventriculo-peritoneal (VP) shunts, 3) to compare the durability of a VA shunt with a VP shunt and 4) to do a stratified durability analysis comparing the VA and VP shunts in relation to the following background variables: shunt type, time period and age of the patient. Furthermore the specific complications related to VA and VP shunts are identified based on findings in the literature. Overall one-year shunt durability is 57% and five-year shunt durability is 37%. ⋯ Hence the apparent difference in revision rate between VA and VP shunts seems secondary to variations in follow-up time and variations in background variables. To supplement our statistical analysis we have performed a literature study to look at the specific complications associated with VA and VP shunts. It seems as if the specific complications in relation to the VA shunting method are more severe than in relation to the VP shunting method.