Comparative Study
Economic evaluation of a disease management program for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The data on cost savings with disease management (DM) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is limited. A multicomponent DM program in COPD has recently shown in a large randomized controlled trial to reduce hospitalizations and emergency department visits compared to usual care (UC). The objectives of this study were to determine the cost of implementing the DM program and its impact on healthcare resource utilization costs compared to UC in high-risk COPD patients. ⋯ The DM intervention program in this study was unique for producing an average cost savings of $593 per patient after paying for the cost of DM intervention.
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) in COPD carries a poor prognosis. Statin therapy has been associated with numerous beneficial clinical effects in COPD, including a possible improvement in PH. We examined the association between statin use and pulmonary hemodynamics in a well-characterized cohort of patients undergoing evaluation for lung transplantation. ⋯ In patients with severe COPD, statin use is associated with significantly lower PAWP and mPAP. These finding should be evaluated prospectively.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between lung function and kurtosis or skewness of lung density histograms on computed tomography (CT) in smokers. Forty-six smokers (age range 46?81 years), enrolled in the Lung Tissue Research Consortium, underwent pulmonary function tests (PFT) and chest CT at full inspiration and full expiration. On both inspiratory and expiratory scans, kurtosis and skewness of the density histograms were automatically measured by open-source software. ⋯ Also, the expiratory/inspiratory (E/I) ratios of kurtosis and skewness significantly correlated with FEV(1)%predicted (p < 0.001), FEV(1)/FVC (p < 0.001), RV/TLC (p < 0.001), and the percentage of predicted value of diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (kurtosis E/I ratio, p = 0.001; skewness E/I ratio, p = 0.03, respectively). We conclude therefore that expiratory values and the E/I ratios of kurtosis and skewness of CT densitometry reflect airflow limitation and air-trapping. Higher kurtosis or skewness on expiratory CT scan indicates more severe conditions in smokers.
Whether smoking-induced lung inflammation subsides after smoking cessation is currently a matter of debate. We used computed tomography (CT) to evaluate the effect of smoking cessation on lung density in patients with COPD. ⋯ Inflammation partly masks the presence of emphysema on CT and smoking cessation results in a paradoxical fall in lung density, which resembles rapid progression of emphysema. This fall in density is probably due to an anti-inflammatory effect of smoking cessation.
The natural history of lung hyperinflation in patients with airway obstruction is unknown. In particular, little information exists about the extent of air trapping and its reversibility to bronchodilator therapy in those with mild airway obstruction. We completed a retrospective analysis of data from individuals with airway obstruction who attended our pulmonary function laboratory and had plethysmographic lung volume measurements pre- and post-bronchodilator (salbutamol). ⋯ Indices of lung hyperinflation increased exponentially as airway obstruction worsened. Those with the greatest resting lung hyperinflation showed the largest bronchodilator-induced volume deflation effects. Reduced air trapping was the predominant response to acute bronchodilation across severity subgroups.