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Developing a surveillance system during a public health emergency is always challenging but is especially so in countries with limited public health infrastructure. Surveillance for Ebola virus disease (Ebola) in the West African countries heavily affected by Ebola (Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone) faced numerous impediments, including insufficient numbers of trained staff, community reticence to report cases and contacts, limited information technology resources, limited telephone and Internet service, and overwhelming numbers of infected persons. Through the work of CDC and numerous partners, including the countries' ministries of health, the World Health Organization, and other government and nongovernment organizations, functional Ebola surveillance was established and maintained in these countries. ⋯ Intense, long-term focus on strengthening public health surveillance systems in developing countries, as described in the Global Health Security Agenda, is needed. The activities summarized in this report would not have been possible without collaboration with many U. S and international partners (
Establishing a functional incident management system (IMS) is important in the management of public health emergencies. In response to the 2014-2016 Ebola virus disease (Ebola) epidemic in West Africa, CDC established the Emergency Management Development Team (EMDT) to coordinate technical assistance for developing emergency management capacity in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. EMDT staff, deployed staff, and partners supported each country to develop response goals and objectives, identify gaps in response capabilities, and determine strategies for coordinating response activities. ⋯ The collaborations in each country yielded IMS structures that streamlined response and laid the foundation for long-term emergency management programs. The activities summarized in this report would not have been possible without collaboration with many U. S and international partners (
The 2014-2016 Ebola virus disease (Ebola) epidemic in West Africa highlighted the need to maintain organized laboratory systems or networks that can be effectively reorganized to implement new diagnostic strategies and laboratory services in response to large-scale events. Although previous Ebola outbreaks enabled establishment of critical laboratory practice safeguards and diagnostic procedures, this Ebola outbreak in West Africa highlighted the need for planning and preparedness activities that are better adapted to emerging pathogens or to pathogens that have attracted little commercial interest. The crisis underscored the need for better mechanisms to streamline development and evaluation of new diagnostic assays, transfer of material and specimens between countries and organizations, and improved processes for rapidly deploying health workers with specific laboratory expertise. ⋯ This report compares CDC's domestic and international laboratory response engagements and lessons learned that can improve future responses in support of the International Health Regulations and Global Health Security Agenda initiatives. The activities summarized in this report would not have been possible without collaboration with many U. S. and international partners (
Although they are infrequent, acute chemical incidents (i.e., uncontrolled or illegal release or threatened release of hazardous substances lasting <72 hours) with mass casualties or extraordinary levels of damage or disruption severely affecting the population, infrastructure, environment, and economy occur, and thousands of less damaging chemical incidents occur annually. Surveillance data enable public health and safety professionals to better understand the patterns and causes of these incidents, which can improve prevention efforts and preparation for future incidents. ⋯ Although chemical manufacturing accounted for the largest percentage of incidents in HSEES, the number of chemical incidents over time decreased substantially for this industry while heightened awareness and prevention measures were being implemented. However, incidents in educational services and crop production settings increased. Trends in incidents and number of incidents varied by state. Only a certain few chemicals, sectors, and areas were found to be related to the majority of incidents and injured persons. Equipment failure and human error, both common casual factors, are preventable. PUBLIC HEALTH IMPLICATIONS: The findings in this collection of surveillance summaries underscore the need for educational institutions and the general public to receive more focused outreach. In addition, the select few chemicals and industries that result in numerous incidents can be the focus of prevention activities. The data in these surveillance summaries show that equipment maintenance, as well as training to prevent human error, could alleviate many of the incidents; NTSIP has begun work in these areas. State surveillance allows a state to identify its problem areas and industries and chemicals for prevention and preparedness. Beginning in 2010, ATSDR replaced HSEES with the National Toxic Substance Incidents Program (NTSIP) to expand on the work of HSEES. NTSIP helps states to collect surveillance data and to promote cost-effective, proactive measures such as converting to an inherently safer design, developing geographic mapping of chemically vulnerable areas, and adopting the principles of green chemistry (design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the generation of hazardous substances). Because the more populous states such as New York and Texas had the most incidents, areas with high population density should be carefully assessed for preparedness and prevention measures. NTSIP develops estimated incident numbers for states that do not collect data to help with state and national planning. NTSIP also collects more detailed data on chemical incidents with mass casualties. HSEES and NTSIP data can be used by public and environmental health and safety practitioners, worker representatives, emergency planners, preparedness coordinators, industries, emergency responders, and others to prepare for and prevent chemical incidents and injuries.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive and fatal neuromuscular disease for which no cure has been identified. Although ALS has no known definitive cause, familial ALS (a hereditary form) occurs in 5%-10% of cases. Many hypotheses have been formulated about what causes ALS, including chemical exposures, occupational exposure, military service, infectious agents, nutritional intake, physical activity, and trauma. Worldwide, ALS affects white males aged >60 years more often than any other group. In the United States, ALS surveillance is necessary to estimate the incidence and prevalence of ALS and collect data on risk factors. ALS is not a nationally notifiable condition in the United States (i.e., it is not a reportable condition in all jurisdictions), and individual state reporting requirements differ, with Massachusetts being the only state that mandates reporting. ⋯ Data collected by the National ALS Registry are being used to better describe the prevalence of ALS in the United States and to help facilitate research. The combined approach of using national administrative databases and a self-enrollment web portal to collect data is novel and potentially could be used for other non-notifiable diseases such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis. ATSDR is working closely with ALS advocacy and support groups, researchers, health-care professionals, and others to promote the National ALS Registry in order to capture all cases of ALS. To further enhance and strengthen the Registry, ATSDR is 1) adding new modules to the portal to examine other potential risk factors, 2) launching a feasibility study for a novel ALS biorepository (available at linked to the Registry that would potentially provide biologic specimens from patient enrollees to help researchers learn more about disease etiology, 3) engaging in surveillance activities in selected states and large metropolitan areas to help test the completeness of the Registry as well as calculating incidence in these areas, and 4) using the Registry to recruit patient enrollees for new clinical trials and epidemiologic studies. Additional information about the National ALS Registry is available at or by calling toll-free at 1-877-442-9719.