Journal of neurosurgery. Spine
Coccygectomy for chronic refractory coccygodynia: clinical case series and literature review.
Coccygodynia is disabling pain in the coccyx and is usually provoked by sitting or rising from sitting. The diagnosis can be missed by neurosurgeons likely to encounter the disorder, and surgical treatment for coccygodynia has historically been viewed with caution. The authors conducted a retrospective review of 62 successive coccygectomy surgeries for coccygodynia performed at their institution. ⋯ The authors report the results of their clinical case series, which to date is the largest in North America. The results closely concur with previously published case series from Europe. Coccygectomy for chronic intractable coccygodynia is simple and effective, with a low complication rate. A comprehensive literature review and discussion of coccygectomy is provided.
Multicenter Study
Outcomes after incidental durotomy during first-time lumbar discectomy.
Incidental durotomy is an infrequent but well-recognized complication during lumbar disc surgery. The effect of a durotomy on long-term outcomes is, however, controversial. The authors sought to examine whether the occurrence of durotomy during surgery impacts long-term clinical outcome. ⋯ Incidental durotomy during first-time lumbar discectomy does not appear to impact long-term outcome in affected patients.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Randomized controlled trial of percutaneous vertebroplasty versus optimal medical management for the relief of pain and disability in acute osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures.
Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are a major cause of increased morbidity in older patients. This randomized controlled trial compared the efficacy of percutaneous vertebroplasty (PV) versus optimal medical therapy (OMT) in controlling pain and improving the quality of life (QOL) in patients with VCFs. Efficacy was measured as the incidence of new vertebral fractures after PV, restoration of vertebral body height (VBH), and correction of deformity. ⋯ The PV group had statistically significant improvements in visual analog scale and QOL scores maintained over 24 months, improved VBH maintained over 36 months, and fewer adjacent-level fractures compared with the OMT group.
Central neuropathic pain is a frequent challenging complication after spinal cord injury (SCI), and specific therapeutic approaches remain elusive. The purpose of the present investigations was to identify potential key mediators of these pain syndromes by analyzing detailed expression profiles of important chemokines in an experimental SCI paradigm of posttraumatic neuropathic pain in rats. ⋯ The authors report lesion grade-dependent upregulation of different chemokines/chemokine receptors after spinal cord contusion lesions in pain-processing spinal cord regions in a clinically relevant model of traumatic SCI in rats. Prolonged chemokine induction further correlated with below-level pain development in the delayed time course after severe SCI and was coexpressed with pain-associated peptides and receptors, suggesting that chemokines play a crucial role in chronic central pain mechanisms after SCI.
The Goel technique, in which C1-2 intraarticular spacers are used, may be performed to restore stability to a disrupted atlantoaxial complex in conjunction with the Harms technique of placing polyaxial screws and bilateral rods. However, it has yet to be determined biomechanically whether the addition of the C1-2 joint spacers increases the multiaxial rigidity of the fixation construct. The goal of this study was to quantify changes in multiaxial rigidity of the combined Goel-Harms technique with the addition of C1-2 intraarticular spacers. ⋯ Study result indicated that both the Goel and Harms techniques alone and with the addition of the C1-2 intraarticular spacers to the Goel-Harms technique are advantageous for stabilizing the atlantoaxial segment. The Goel technique combined with placement of a screw/rod construct appears to result in additional construct rigidity beyond the screw/rod technique and appears to be more useful in very unstable cases.