Journal of biomechanics
Journal of biomechanics · Jan 2014
Expressing the joint moments of drop jumps and sidestep cutting in different reference frames--does it matter?
Joint moments help us understand joint loading and muscle function during movement. However, the interpretation depends on the choice of reference frame, but the different reference frames have not been compared in dynamic, high-impact sporting movements. We have compared the magnitude and the resulting ranking of hip and knee joint moments expressed in the laboratory coordinate system, the local system of the distal segment and projected or decomposed to the Joint Coordinate System (JCS) axes. ⋯ This lack of consistency may complicate the comparison and combination of results. Projection to the JCS is the only method where joint moments correspond to muscle and ligament loading. More widespread adoption of this convention could facilitate comparison of studies and ease the interpretation of results.
Journal of biomechanics · Jan 2014
Walking at the preferred stride frequency maximizes local dynamic stability of knee motion.
Healthy humans display a preference for walking at a stride frequency dependent on the inertial properties of their legs. Walking at preferred stride frequency (PSF) is predicted to maximize local dynamic stability, whereby sensitivity to intrinsic perturbations arising from natural variability inherent in biological motion is minimized. Previous studies testing this prediction have employed different variability measures, but none have directly quantified local dynamic stability by computing maximum finite-time Lyapunov exponent (λ(Max)), which quantifies the rate of divergence of nearby trajectories in state space. ⋯ In contrast, measures of variability revealed effects of stride frequency and speed conditions that were distinct from λ(Max). In particular, movement regularity computed by approximate entropy (ApEn) increased for slower walking speeds, appearing to depend on speed rather than stride frequency. The cadence freely adopted by humans has the benefit of maximizing local dynamic stability, which can be interpreted as humans tuning to their resonant frequency of walking.
Journal of biomechanics · Nov 2013
Finite element modeling of embolic coil deployment: multifactor characterization of treatment effects on cerebral aneurysm hemodynamics.
Endovascular coiling is the most common treatment for cerebral aneurysms. During the treatment, a sequence of embolic coils with different stiffness, shapes, sizes, and lengths is deployed to fill the aneurysmal sac. Although coil packing density has been clinically correlated with treatment success, many studies have also reported success at low packing densities, as well as recurrence at high packing densities. ⋯ However, multifactor analysis of variance showed that coil shape can also have considerable effects, depending on packing density and neck size. Further, linear regression analysis showed an inverse relationship between mean void diameter in the aneurysm and mean intra-aneurysmal velocities, which underscores the importance of coil distribution and thus coil shape. Our study suggests that while packing density plays a key role in determining post-treatment hemodynamics, other factors such as coil shape, aneurysmal geometry, and parent vessel flow may also be very important.
Journal of biomechanics · Nov 2013
Clinical TrialNeck posture and muscle activity are different when upside down: a human volunteer study.
Rollover crashes are dynamic and complex events in which head impacts with the roof can cause catastrophic neck injuries. Ex vivo and computational models are valuable in understanding, and ultimately preventing, these injuries. Although neck posture and muscle activity influence the resulting injury, there is currently no in vivo data describing these parameters immediately prior to a head-first impact. ⋯ When inverted and relaxed, the neck was more lordotic, C1 was aligned posterior to C7, the Frankfort plane was extended, and the activity of six muscles increased compared to upright and relaxed. When inverted subjects were asked to look forward to eliminate head extension, flexor muscle activity increased, C7 was more flexed, and C1 was aligned anterior to C7 versus upright and relaxed. Combined with the large inter-subject variability observed, these findings indicate that cadaveric or computational models designed to study injuries and prevention devices while inverted need to consider a variety of postures and muscle conditions to be relevant to the in vivo situation.
Journal of biomechanics · Oct 2013
Finite element analysis and computed tomography based structural rigidity analysis of rat tibia with simulated lytic defects.
Finite element analysis (FEA), CT based structural rigidity analysis (CTRA) and mechanical testing is performed to assess the compressive failure load of rat tibia with simulated lytic defects. Twenty rat tibia were randomly assigned to four equal groups (n=5). Three of the groups included a simulated defect at various locations: anterior bone surface (Group 1), posterior bone surface (Group 2) and through bone defect (Group 3). ⋯ In summary, the results of this study indicate that CTRA analysis of bone strength correlates well with both FEA and results obtained from compression experiments. In addition there exist a good correlation between structural rigidity parameters and experimental failure loads. In contrast, there was no correlation between average bone density and failure load.