Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association
Many burn survivors experience social challenges throughout their recovery. Measuring the social impact of a burn injury is important to identify opportunities for interventions. The aim of this study is to develop a pool of items addressing the social impact of burn injuries in adults to create a self-reported computerized adaptive test based on item response theory. ⋯ This study was designed to develop a large item pool based on a strong conceptual framework using grounded theory analysis with focus groups of burn survivors and their caregivers. The 192 items represent 7 domains and reflect the unique experience of burn survivors within these important areas of social participation. This work will lead to developing the Life Impact Burn Recovery Evaluation profile, a self-reported outcome measure.
Asociacion Pro-Ninos Quemados de Nicaragua (APROQUEN) is a comprehensive burn center that provides a holistic and integrated approach to treating burns. APROQUEN has set the standards internationally with acute treatment for burns, intensive care, reconstructive surgeries, nutritional care, rehabilitation, occupational therapy, and psychological treatment. APROQUEN is excelling within Central and South America with life-saving techniques and quality of care. ⋯ The results indicate that Camp Confio en Mi had a significant impact on campers' level of anxiety, depression, and self-esteem. Future burn camps are an important part of the continued advancement of postpediatric burn care in Nicaragua. This study reveals the importance of future researches necessity to focus on generalizing the results of this study to other children who have experienced similar burn injuries.
Visual diagnosis of second-degree burns has proven inadequate for determining the appropriate treatment regimen. Although multiple noninvasive imaging techniques have shown promise for providing information about burn wound severity, the ideal technology to aid burn wound excision would provide real-time readouts. Herein, the authors examine a high-resolution infrared (IR) camera (thermography) and a multiprobe adapter system (MPAS-6; transepidermal evaporative water loss, colorimetry) to assess their usefulness in predicting burn severity. ⋯ Importantly, surface temperature taken on every single day after injury was predictive of all histologically determined measurements of burn depth (ie, collagen coagulation, apoptosis, necrosis, vascular occlusion). The results indicate that IR imaging and skin quality probes can be used to support the diagnosis of burn severity. Most importantly, IR measurements gave insight into both the zone of coagulation and the zone of stasis on every postburn day studied.
The aim of this study is to investigate the incidence, related risk factors, and outcomes of postoperative delirium (POD) in severely burned patients undergoing early escharotomy. This study included 385 severely burned patients (injured <1 week; TBSA, 31-50% or 11-20%; American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status, II-IV) aged 18 to 65 years, who underwent early escharotomy between October 2014 and December 2015, and were selected by cluster sampling. The authors excluded patients with preoperative delirium or diagnosed dementia, depression, or cognitive dysfunction. ⋯ When the score of a patient's weighted odds ratios is more than 6, the incidence of POD increased significantly (P < .05). When the score of a patient's weighted odds ratios is more than 6, the incidence of POD increased significantly (P < .05). Further, POD was associated with more postoperative complications, including hepatic and renal function impairment and hypernatremia, as well as prolonged hospitalization, increased medical costs, and higher mortality.
Combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in up to 8.8% of combat-related casualties suffering burns. From World War I through Desert Storm, burns have been associated with approximately 4% of the combat-related deaths. Experiencing a blast injury and exposure to killing and death while deployed has been shown to increase suicide risk. ⋯ Of the 11 who died, five deaths were related to accidental poisoning by exposure to drugs; three were related to operations of war (two after returning to the war zone), and the remaining three died from other accidental causes (one explosion and two vehicle crashes). There was no indication of suicide or suspicion of suicide as a cause-of-death for the former patients included in this study, suggesting that combat burn injury did not appear to increase the risk of death by suicide in our study population. Further research is needed to understand the factors that contribute to the apparent resilience of combat burn survivors.