European surgical research. Europäische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales européennes
The aim of this study was to characterize the changes in the quantitative expression of beta 2-integrins and L-selectin detected by means of fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry on leukocytes in the systemic circulation after a major musculoskeletal trauma, i.e. hip replacement surgery, and to relate these changes to parameters of the acute-phase response [plasma acute-phase reactants (C-reactive protein, CRP, and interleukin-6, IL-6) and parameters of coagulation activation (thrombin-antithrombin III complexes, TAT)]. Eight patients with either primary or secondary osteoarthritis of the hip received uncemented total hip prostheses. LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) was upregulated on granulocytes during the operation. ⋯ The rise in CRP was inversely correlated with the maximal increase in expression of MAC-1 on monocytes. In conclusion, the changes in leukocyte adhesion molecules during and after surgery indicate changes in critical leukocyte functions. The lack of correlation between quantitative up- and downregulation of leukocyte beta 2-integrins and parameters of the acute phase response suggests that these processes are regulated through independent pathways or that functional up- and downregulation of adhesion molecules, shedding, leukocyte-endothelial adhesion and mobilization of new unactivated cells may result in a net estimate of leukocyte activation not suspected to be positively correlated to acute-phase reactants.
Tissue oxygenation depends on the volume of oxygen consumed by the tissue and the volume of oxygen supply. This is particularly important in the liver after ischaemia and reperfusion, due to the relatively low oxygen saturation of the portal blood flow, the main source of oxygen to the liver. ⋯ Changes were found in the postischaemic liver blood flow and haemoglobin saturation in all the groups when compared to control values, showing a correlation between the length of the period of ischaemia and the magnitude of the alteration in the reperfusion blood flow and oxygenation. These alterations may be considered as a prolongation of the metabolic condition of ischaemia and may be part of an additional tissue damage upon reperfusion.
Comparative Study
PGI2 aerosol versus nitric oxide for selective pulmonary vasodilation in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.
Intravenous prostacyclin (PGI2) is a potent pulmonary vasodilator in pulmonary hypertension. However, dose-dependent systemic vasodilation, an increase in intrapulmonary shunt and hypoxemia limit its clinical application. Recently, inhaled nitric oxide (NO) has been reported to elicit selective pulmonary vasodilation, but its clinical use is restricted by its potential toxicity; furthermore, the feasibility of NO application in clinical practice seems difficult. ⋯ It is concluded that inhalation of aerosolized PGI2 leads to selective pulmonary vasodilation in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. Aerosolized PGI2 at a concentration of 430 ng/ml was less potent than NO (50 ppm). However, due to the lack of known toxicity and its uncomplicated mode of application, inhaled PGI2 may be one alternative to inhaled NO in the treatment of acute pulmonary hypertension.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Effects of dextran and crystalloids on subcutaneous oxygen tension and collagen accumulation. A randomized study in surgical patients.
Twenty-nine patients, subjected to major abdominal surgery, were randomized to different types of postoperative fluid replacement, given on the basis of subcutaneous oxygen tension measurements (PscO2). One regimen consisted of crystalloids, the other of a combination of crystalloids and colloids (dextran 70). Perioperative fluid replacement was given according to clinical criteria and postoperatively according to polarographic PscO2 measurements. ⋯ They were removed on day 5 and 7, and analysed for hydroxyproline content. Total postoperative fluid support was equal in the two groups, and so was the hydroxyproline content on day 7. In conclusion, postoperative fluid substitution with dextran has no advantages over crystalloids only, with regard to granulation tissue formation if postoperative fluid support is optimum, according to PscO2 measurements.
Hypertonic/hyperoncotic solutions (e.g. HHS: 7.2% NaCl/10% dextran-60) are highly effective to normalize cardiovascular function in hemorrhagic shock due to rapid mobilization of fluid from the extravascular compartment. Since experiences are limited with regard to potential side effects of this treatment on the central nervous system, the present studies were carried out under particular consideration of the cerebral blood flow and O2 supply. ⋯ Hemorrhagic hypovolemia which led to a left shift of the cerebral PO2 histogram was followed by gradual normalization after fluid resuscitation. The current findings taken together do not indicate adverse side effects of this efficient method of fluid resuscitation with regard to the cerebral blood and O2 supply. The results make worthwhile further investigations on HHS in the presence of a focal brain lesion causing brain edema to find out whether the HHS are useful also for the treatment of intracranial hypertension.