Journal of hospital medicine : an official publication of the Society of Hospital Medicine
Few rural hospital medicine programs include workforce development training that provides social and professional support for interdisciplinary teams. Even fewer include training that creates supportive learning environments that result in higher staff satisfaction, lower burnout, and reduced turnover. The Acute Inpatient Medicine-High Reliability, Learning Environment, and Workforce Development Initiative (AIM-HI) aims to create supportive learning environments in Veterans Health Administration (VA) rural hospital medicine teams. ⋯ The anticipated impact of AIM-HI is to evaluate the utility of the implementation strategies and assess trends in Playbook intervention outcomes. The Playbook has strong face validity; however, before large-scale adoption across the VA enterprise, it is essential to establish the acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of the Playbook and implementation strategies, as well as to gather data on AIM-HI effectiveness.
Despite the central role of experiential learning in residency training, the actual clinical experiences residents participate in are not well characterized. A better understanding of the type, volume, and variation in residents' clinical experiences is essential to support precision medical education strategies. ⋯ Individual residents' clinical experiences in training vary widely, both in number and in type. Characterizing these experiences paves the way for exploration of the relationships between clinical exposure and educational outcomes, and for the implementation of precision education strategies that could fill residents' experiential gaps and complement strengths with targeted educational interventions.
Stigma within the healthcare environment limits access to treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD), even as OUD results in significant morbidity and mortality. Language in clinical documentation affects patient experience and future care through the transmission of stigma or positive regard. With the passage of the 21st Century Cures Act, patients have full access to their medical records online. ⋯ Stigmatizing language was present in both provider- and system-generated language and was nine times more frequent than affirming language in the medical records of hospitalized patients with OUD. While provider education may reduce stigmatizing language, institutional level changes to the EHR and International Classification of Disease codes are necessary to decrease stigmatizing language within medical records.