Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol · Feb 2010
Development, implementation, and results of the ASN in-training examination for fellows.
The American Society of Nephrology and the fellowship training program directors in conjunction with the National Board of Medical Examiners developed a comprehensive assessment of medical knowledge for nephrology fellows in-training. This in-training examination (ITE) consisted of 150 multiple-choice items covering 11 broad content areas in a blueprint similar to the American Board of Internal Medicine certifying examination for nephrology. ⋯ The first examination was given in April 2009 to 682 fellows and six training program directors. Examinees felt that the examination was well structured and relevant to their training experience Longitudinal performance on the examination will be helpful in allowing training programs to utilize results from content areas in identifying deficits in medical knowledge as well as assessing the results of any curriculum changes.
Involvement of the kidneys in Fabry disease ("nephropathy") occurs in male and female individuals. The majority of patients with progressive nephropathy will have significant proteinuria and develop progressive loss of kidney function, leading to ESRD. All too often, treating physicians may ignore "normal" serum creatinine levels or "minimal" proteinuria and fail to assess properly the severity of kidney involvement and institute appropriate management. ⋯ Antiproteinuric therapy can be dosed to a prespecified urine protein target rather than a specific BP goal, with the proviso that successful therapy will usually lower the BP below the goal of 130/80 mmHg that is used for other forms of kidney disease. The overall goal for treating Fabry nephropathy is to reduce the rate of loss of GFR to -1 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)/yr, which is that seen in the normal adult population. A systematic approach is presented for reaching this goal in the individual patient.