Case Reports
[Nerve sonography of intraneural ganglia as cause painful peroneal palsies: a case series].
In selected cases acquired peroneal palsy is caused by intraneural ganglia. In contrast to the much more frequent "loco typico" lesion which is caused by external pressure, intraneural ganglia can be treated by microscopic nerve surgery as part of primary treatment strategy. ⋯ In this situation high resolution nerve sonography is a fast and sensitive method to detect intraneural ganglia. We report a case series of three patients with peroneal palsy caused by intraneural ganglia and give a review of the literature.
Preoperative fasting is essential to reduce the risk of a perioperative pulmonary aspiration in patients undergoing anaesthesia for elective surgery. Evidence and expert opinion-based guidelines suggest two, four and six hours of fasting for clear fluids, breast milk and light meals/non-clear fluids respectively to improve anaesthesia safety, patient's comfort and homeostasis. ⋯ Abnormal gastric emptying has an impact on preoperative fasting times and the choice of the anaesthesia technique. A safe anaesthesia technique is most important since gastric emptying differs in patients and there is no guarantee that the stomach is empty after fasting according to guidelines.
Blood transfusions are in general considered as lifesaving. Current data and evidence show, that blood transfusions are associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and this apparently dose-dependent. Basic research and results from randomized controlled trials show a causal relationship between blood transfusion and adverse outcome. ⋯ In 2010 the World Health Organization has claimed PBM to be considered as golden standard. PBM reduces morbidity and mortality by lowering the excessive use of blood transfusions. This concept has partially and successfully been implemented in the University Hospital Balgrist in Zurich.