Infectious diseases of the ear, nose and throat are common reasons why patients visit their family physician. Therefore, the aim of this mini-review is to give an overview of the most important and frequent infectious diseases of the ear, nose and throat, the appropriate diagnostic measurements and therapy with relevance for the family physician. Most of these infectious diseases can be treated by the family physician and do not necessarily need to be seen by an ENT-specialist.
In addition to usual medical care it is often critical to consider the patient's inner world in order to sensitively differentiate between harmful and helpful suggestive elements. The respective abilities in terms of hypnotic communication can be easily learned. ⋯ The major clinical indications for hypnosis include psychosomatic disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression, and pain syndromes. Hypnosis can also be employed as an adjunct for surgical therapy.
A lumbar disc herniation is a frequent pathology. The incidence of a postoperative recurrence is between 1-18%. ⋯ In contrast, a generous perioperative microdiscectomy comes along with an accelerated postoperative disc height loss and a progressive degenerative disc disease. The present work discusses the position of an anular-closure-device in respect of the problem risk of recurrence versus postoperative degenerative disc disease.