Case Reports
[Disorders of water- and electrolyte balance in a triathlon. 2 case reports and review of the literature].
Triathlon is an increasingly popular sport. The number of active triathletes in Switzerland has increased greatly in recent years. We report two participants of the Zürcher Euroman. ⋯ He presented with a serum sodium concentration of 120 mmol/L. Both patients had massive polyuria (first hour urine output of 900 ml, and 1300 ml respectively) that decreased in parallel with the normalization of the serum sodium. The pathophysiology, differential diagnosis and therapy of electrolyte and water disturbances in triathletes is discussed in relation to our two cases and the literature is reviewed.
Colchicine poisoning is a rare event. Its outcome is, compared to other drug intoxications, often serious or even fatal. Intaxications with colchicine may occur by ingestion of tablets as well as by consumption of meadow saffron leaves (Colchicum autumnale) that are often mistakenly collected instead of the leaves of ramson herb (Allium ursinum). ⋯ A promising new aspect in the treatment of heavy colchicine overdose is the immunotherapy with colchicine-specific fab-fragments. At present this treatment is still in an experimental stage and has been applied so far to one patient with beneficial effects. Unfortunately colchicine-specific antibodies are not yet commercially available.