In this last of three parts on patient compliance possibilities to improve compliance are reviewed. Compliance-promoting measures include among others uncomplicated prescriptions (such as one daily dose, drug-combinations and written instructions), frequent, well organized controls and the self-involvement of the patient in his treatment. Employment of well educated assistants attending long term patients shows positive results. Furthermore installment of a good patient-physician relation is one of the most important prerequisites for a good compliance.
Comparative Study
[Academic medicine and complementary medicine differ from each other in reasoning and evaluation but not in goals].
The principal objective of all medical activity is to prevent deterioration of health, but also its recuperation, when it has been lost, by mobilisation of inner, natural resources and the commitment of practical knowledge about ill-health. This is less true not for individuals with regard to their proper care, than for practitioners of the arts and sciences of healing towards those who seek their help, regardless of the 'school' to which they may belong. ⋯ However relevant and justifiable differing intentions may be, they become difficult to materialize if energy is squandered in futile disputes over territorial rights. It is the purpose of the Swiss National Science Foundation's 'Komplementärmedizin' Programme (NFP 34) to build bridges between different territories. (See the Table of Projects currently being undertaken at the end of this article.)
The field of bronchoscopy has considerably expanded in recent years. The rigid and flexible bronchoscope are both used for diagnostic and increasingly for therapeutic procedures; for the therapeutic procedures the term 'interventional bronchoscopy' has been coined. Apart from the more traditional indications for interventional bronchoscopies, such as aspiration of secretions and removal of foreign bodies, the treatment of inoperable stenoses of the central airways--benign or malignant--has moved to the center stage of interventional endoscopies. This review focuses on the technique and indication of the following procedures: bronchial toilette, foreign body removal, dilatation, diathermy, cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy, laser resection, brachytherapy and the insertion of stents (endoprostheses).
Differential diagnosis of unilateral alveolar pulmonary infiltration includes various possibilities. Acutely developing mitral insufficiency, often without any prior cardiac symptoms, may be the cause of pulmonary edema localized exclusively in the right upper lobe. This unusual and often misinterpreted radiologic presentation is brought to attention by two case reports.