Environmental science & technology
Environ. Sci. Technol. · Apr 2010
Fuel-mix, fuel efficiency, and transport demand affect prospects for biofuels in northern Europe.
Rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the road transport sector represents a difficult mitigation challenge due to a multitude of intricate factors, namely the dependency on liquid energy carriers and infrastructure lock-in. For this reason, low-carbon renewable energy carriers, particularly second generation biofuels, are often seen as a prominent candidate for realizing reduced emissions and lowered oil dependency over the medium- and long-term horizons. However, the overarching question is whether advanced biofuels can be an environmentally effective mitigation strategy in the face of increasing consumption and resource constraints. ⋯ Through scenarios, we explore how evolving vehicle technologies and consumption patterns will affect the mitigation opportunities afforded by any future supply of forest biofuels. We find that in a scenario involving ambitious biofuel targets, the size of the GHG mitigation wedge attributed to the market supply of biofuels is severely reduced under business-as-usual growth in consumption in the road transport sector. Our results indicate that climate policies targeting the road transport sector which give high emphases to reducing demand (volume), accelerating the deployment of more fuel-efficient vehicles, and promoting altered consumption patterns (structure) can be significantly more effective than those with single emphasis on expanded biofuel supply.
Swift action on other greenhouse agents could solve the "fast half" of the climate problem, researchers say.
Environ. Sci. Technol. · Aug 2009
Atacama perchlorate as an agricultural contaminant in groundwater: isotopic and chronologic evidence from Long Island, New York.
Perchlorate (ClO4-) is a common groundwater constituent with both synthetic and natural sources. A potentially important source of ClO4- is past agricultural application of ClO4(-)-bearing natural NO3- fertilizer imported from the Atacama Desert, Chile, but evidence for this has been largely circumstantial. Here we report ClO4- stable isotope data (delta37Cl, delta18O, and delta17O), along with other supporting chemical and isotopic environmental tracer data, to document groundwater ClO4 contamination sources and history in parts of Long Island, New York. ⋯ In an agricultural area, ClO4- concentrations and ClO4-/NO3- ratios increased with groundwater age, possibly because of decreasing application rates of Atacama NO3- fertilizers and/or decreasing ClO4- concentrations in Atacama NO3- fertilizers in recent years. Because ClO4-/NO3- ratios of Atacama NO3- fertilizers imported in the past (approximately 2 x 10(-3) mol mol(-1)) were much higher than the CO4-/NO3- ratio of recommended drinking-water limits (7 x 10(-5) mol mol(-1) in New York), ClO4- could exceed drinking-water limits even where NO3- does not, and where Atacama NO3- was only a minor source of N. Groundwater ClO4- with distinctive isotopic composition was a sensitive indicator of past Atacama NO3- fertilizer use on Long Island and may be common in other areas that received NO3- fertilizers from the late 19th century through the 20th century.