Trauma patients in an unresponsive state upon presentation to the Emergency Department have a poor prognosis. Rapid assessment of injuries combined with life-preserving therapy is required but defining the optimal strategy can be complicated when multiple organ systems are involved. This study analysed various categories of trauma patients with a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 3 on admission and evaluated the relation between injuries, clinical condition, treatment and outcome. ⋯ Trauma patients with a GCS of 3 have a poor outcome. Despite aggressive treatment only 5% of the patients made a good recovery. Pupil reactivity and the pH on admission were found to be related to mortality.
Venous thromboembolic events (VTEs) are common life-threatening complications after trauma, but epidemiology and reported risk factors still vary. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the incidence of VTEs among hospitalised trauma patients, to identify potential risk factors and to assess whether their presence was associated with: (a) the magnitude and pattern of injury, (b) therapeutic interventions and (c) outcome, all by using a large population-based registry. ⋯ The occurrence of clinically apparent VTEs during post-traumatic hospitalisation is low but associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Conclusions about the effectiveness of different thromboprophylactic measures could not be drawn, since detailed information was not recorded. However, 80.8% of VTE patients had received thromboprophylaxis at the time point of the event.
Helicopter ambulances are a scarce and expensive resource and their use carries significant risk for crew and patients. ⋯ Given the financial burden and physical risk of air ambulance use, there should be a more standardised approach to the tasking, dispatch and crew configuration of air ambulances in the UK.
Patients undergoing damage control laparotomy need intensive and aggressive resuscitation, and may also require adjunctive transarterial embolisation (TAE) for ongoing arterial haemorrhage. We evaluated the effectiveness and timing of TAE in these patients as well as their final outcome. ⋯ TAE is an effective tool in the management of ongoing arterial haemorrhage after damage control laparotomy and eight (50%) patients with ongoing arterial haemorrhages survived from this multidisciplinary treatment. To achieve a good outcome, the operative time of damage control laparotomy should be as short as possible and TAE should be performed without delay. Interventional radiology colleagues should be informed in advance during laparotomy and resuscitation continued in the angiography suite.
Colonic and intra-peritoneal rectal injuries may be managed by primary repair and extra-peritoneal rectal injuries by diverting colostomy. This study was undertaken to document our experience with this approach and to identify factors which might impact on outcome. ⋯ We reaffirm that primary repair is appropriate for colonic and intra-peritoneal rectal injuries and that extra-peritoneal rectal injuries require diverting colostomy. Shock on admission, increased blood transfusion requirements, associated organ injury and severity of the injury were associated with high mortality.