The standard treatment of peripherical nerve injuries with substance gap is to introduce the nerve free extremes in a biodegradable tube which, as a biocamera, allows the continuity of the nerve, promote the neuroconduction and save the lesion from the surrounding fibrosis. However, this procedure has not any direct effect on the neuroregeneration nor to resolve high severe lesions. The mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) can derivate "in vitro" in different lineages, including Schwann cells. ⋯ The 3 months samples results were wrong. In 6 months samples results we observed a significative myelined nervous fibers and conduction increasing, in front of controls, both radial and tibial nerves. These results suggest the MSC application in biodegradable scaffold in nerve injuries promotes good results in terms of regeneration and functional recovery.
The TraumaRegister DGU(®) organisational and technical development has undergone an evolution process, which started 20 years ago. Currently, the management of the registry is under the management of the "AUC - Academy for Trauma Surgery" (infrastructure) and the "Sektion NIS" (scientific responsibility). The aim of the registry was to establish an inter-hospital quality assessment tool with the option to use the increasing database for scientific evaluations of acute care. ⋯ Recently, even hospitals from other countries joined the registry too. Starting with six German hospitals and 260 cases in 1993, 20 years later more than 600 hospitals from eleven countries deliver over 30,000 trauma cases per year resulting in over 150,000 reported cases until 2013. In this article a historical perspective is presented of the evolution and current status of the TraumaRegister DGU(®).