Road traffic crashes are responsible for a vast amount of death and disability in developing countries. This study uses a bottom up, micro-costing approach to determine the cost of road traffic related crashes in South Africa. ⋯ The cost of care of a RTC victim is significant. In light of the high numbers of RTC victims admitted over the course of the year this is a significant cost burden for a regional hospital to bear. This cost must be taken into account when allocating hospital budgets.
Multicenter Study
Acute costs and predictors of higher treatment costs of trauma in New South Wales, Australia.
Accurate economic data are fundamental for improving current funding models and ultimately in promoting the efficient delivery of services. The financial burden of a high trauma casemix to designated trauma centres in Australia has not been previously determined, and there is some evidence that the episode funding model used in Australia results in the underfunding of trauma. ⋯ This multicentre trauma costing study demonstrated the feasibility of trauma registry and financial data linkage. Discrepancies between the observed costs of care in these 12 trauma centres and the NSW average AR-DRG costs suggest that trauma care is currently underfunded in NSW.
Observational Study
Military trauma care in Birmingham: Observational study of care requirements and resource utilisation.
The Royal Centre for Defence Medicine is located at University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB). Since 2001 all UK military casualties injured on active duty have been repatriated here for their initial treatment. This service evaluation was performed to quantify the work undertaken, with the aim of providing a snapshot of a year's military trauma work in order to inform the delivery of trauma care in both the military and civilian setting. ⋯ This report of 12 months work at UHB demonstrates the service commitment to these casualties, describing the burden of care and resource requirements for military trauma patients.
Periorbital ecchymosis (PE) is caused by blood tracking along tissue plains into periorbital tissues, causing discoloration in the upper and lower eyelids. This clinical feature is most commonly associated with basal skull fractures. Our objective is to present the first patient series describing the clinical features associated with traumatically induced PE. ⋯ Periorbital ecchymosis is a useful clinic sign that should alert the clinician to assess for skull fractures, intracranial haemorrhage, and cranial nerve injury. However, this series shows that PE can be associated with a variety of clinical features, is rarely accompanied by other classic signs of basal skull fracture, and most patients with PE do not have injuries severe enough to require surgical intervention or post-discharge rehabilitation.