Interprosthetic femoral fractures-A challenge of treatment. A systematic review of the literature.
The success of prosthetic surgery has led to an increase in the percentage of the population having more than one prosthetic implant. This, combined with an increase in the average life expectancy and functional requirements for the elderly, has led to a higher incidence of periprosthetic and interprosthetic fractures. More precisely, the femoral shaft is compressed between two ipsilateral implants with most of these fractures being located on the supracondylar femoral shaft. ⋯ Treatment must be determined and assessed according to the type of fracture, the stability of the prosthesis, the bone quality and the general condition of the patient. There is little information in the literature about this type of injury: there are several published case reports detailing unconventional solutions and the case studies presented are limited and not significant. This review aims to provide an updated and comprehensive list of diagnostic and therapeutic protocols accepted today, while recognising that these protocols are being continuously updated according to experience gained.
The development of new megaprosthesis for the treatment of large bone defects provides important options to orthopaedic oncologic surgeons for the replacement of skeletal segments, such as the long bones of the upper and lower limbs and the relative joints. We implanted megaprosthesis using either a one-step or two-step technique depending on the patient's condition. The aim of this study was to evaluate retrospectively both clinical and radiological outcomes in patients who underwent lower limb megaprosthesis implant. ⋯ Megaprosthesis provides a valuable opportunity to restore functionality to patients with highly disabling diseases.
It is generally recognised by surgeons that there are anatomical variations of the popliteal artery and its branches, and knowledge of these has important clinical implications for fibula flap harvest. The aim of this study was to report our experience on 101 fibula free flaps, highlighting a new type of anatomical variation of the peroneal artery in a patient undergoing osteocutaneous fibula free flap for tibial reconstruction. ⋯ This is an uncommon case of a rare infrapopliteal branching pattern that was undetected clinically and sonographically, exposing both the surgeon and patient to high risk of flap failure and/or leg ischaemic complication. Surgeons conducting free fibula transfer surgery should be aware of such a possibility as well as other variations, and could consider performing routine angiographic study on the donor limb, or they may be skilful enough to apply instant tricks to enable them to conduct the procedure safely.
Hand and wrist lesions are relatively common in polytraumatised patients. These subjects sustain a wide range of potential life-threatening conditions and hand and wrist injuries incurred are often not diagnosed or are insufficiently treated. Closed lesions are the most frequently missed diagnosis, but even severe open lesions may be incorrectly treated. ⋯ The very common association of head, chest, abdomen, bone and soft-tissue lesions in the polytraumatised patient requires a multidisciplinary team approach from the beginning. The energy of trauma in these patients often causes complex injuries to the wrist and hand; these require correct treatment in terms of both timing and techniques. It is not possible to create a practical, useful guideline with a "one lesion-one solution" approach, because every case is different; therefore, this paper describes a spectrum of indications and techniques that may be useful in managing hand and wrist injuries, particularly in polytraumatised patients.
Traumatic lesions at the elbow involving great loss of substance are uncommon, but represent a significant problem when such cases are referred to a trauma department. Most of these injuries may cause severe final functional impairment, thereby jeopardising future activities, particularly in cases where treatment was delayed or inappropriate. ⋯ Each type of tissue loss should be managed by choosing the most suitable technique from the armamentarium of reconstructive surgery, taking into account different priorities and the optimum timing (immediate or delayed, one- or two-stages). The authors describe a spectrum of indications and techniques that can be useful tools in managing these injuries.