Assessment of gait and function might be as sensitive tool to monitor the progress of fracture healing. Currently available assessment tools for function use instrumented three dimensional gait analysis or pedobarography. The analysis is focused on gait or movement parameters and seeks to identify abnormalities or asymmetries between legs or arms. ⋯ Alternative approaches abstain from directly assessing function in the laboratory but rather determine the amount of activities of daily living or the mere ability to perform defined tasks such as walking, stair climbing or running. Some of these methods have been applied to determine recovery after orthopaedic interventions including fracture repair. The combination of lab-based functional measurements and assessment of physical activities in daily live may offer a valuable level of information about the gait quality and quantity of individual patients which sheds light on functional limitations or rehabilitation of gait and mobility after a disease or injury and the respective conservative, medical or surgical treatment.
Percutaneous iliosacral screw insertion requires substantial experience and detailed anatomical knowledge to find the proper entry point and trajectory even with the use of a navigation system. Our hypothesis was that three-dimensional (3D) fluoroscopic navigation combined with a preoperative computed tomography (CT)-based plan could enable surgeons to perform safe and reliable iliosacral screw insertion. The purpose of the current study is two-fold: (1) to demonstrate the navigation accuracy for sacral fractures and sacroiliac dislocations on widely displaced cadaveric pelves; and (2) to report the technical and clinical aspects of percutaneous iliosacral screw insertion using the CT-3D-fluoroscopy matching navigation system. ⋯ The CT-3D-fluoroscopy matching navigation system was accurate and robust regardless of pelvic ring fracture type and fragment displacement. Percutaneous iliosacral screw insertion with the navigation system is clinically feasible.
Achieving good results with intramedullary nailing of oblique long bone fractures at the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction can be difficult. There is a strong tendency for axial displacement and an association with characteristic malalignment of the short fragment. ⋯ While several papers describe methods for screw placement, these are confusing to understand, difficult to follow in clinical practice and not always applicable. Here we describe a new, simple, reproducible and easy to use method for ensuring accurate Poller screw placement, in order to maximise the benefits of their use and achieve good overall results.
Various techniques have been reported for the treatment of chronic acromioclavicular (AC) joint separation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of surgical construction of coracoclavicular ligament using coracoid process transfer augmented with a hook plate fixation. ⋯ Therapeutic level IV. Retrospective case series, treatment study.