The establishment of national trauma networks have resulted in significant benefits to injured patients. Older people are the majority of major trauma patients and there is need to study variations in care and performance against clinical metrics for them. We aim to describe this patient group in terms of injury, demographics, episode of care assessment and variation between component regions of the Major Trauma Network of England and Wales. ⋯ We have increased the understanding of how older patients contribute to and are managed by a national trauma service. We have demonstrated variation in numbers and patient characteristics throughout regional trauma networks. We have detailed the whole patient episode, allowing us to comment on disparities in management such as senior review and access to specialist clinical care settings. Older patients dominate United Kingdom major trauma and considerable variations and shortfalls have been identified. Work is needed to focus on the whole clinical episode for these patients both to improve outcome and patient experience but to also to ensure sustainable clinical care in a resource deplete era.
Comment Letter Review
The nature and consequences of camel-related injuries: Is this a scoping review?
For anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACL-R), one of the crucial aspects of treatment is the fixator selection that could provide initial graft fixation post-operatively. Literature on biomechanical stabilities of different sizes of fixators as femoral graft fixation is limited. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the influence of different diameters of cross-pins on the stability of graft fixations after ACL-R via finite element analysis (FEA). ⋯ Besides, the strains of the knee joint with 4 mm diameter cross-pin were also superior in providing a good biomechanical environment for bone healing, while the recorded strain values at fixators were comparable with a larger diameter of cross-pins without being inferior in terms of deformation. To conclude, the cross-pin with 4 mm diameter depicted the best biomechanical aspects in graft fixation for ACL-R since it allows better assistance for the osseointegration process and can minimise the possibility of the breakage and migration of fixators. This study is not only useful for medical surgeons to justify their choices of pin diameter to treat patients, but also for researchers to conduct future studies.