Four cases of unstable fracture-dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint are reproted, including 3 isolated dorsal fracture-dislocation and 1 dorsal fracture-dislocation associated with a fracture of the fourth metacarpal bone. All cases required open reduction and Kirschner wire fixation which resulted in good function. Attention is drawn to the frequent delay in diagnosis. The applied anatomy is discussed.
Case Reports Comparative Study
Spinal injuries in belt-wearing car occupants killed by head-on collisions.
In 34 post-mortem examinations of car occupants wearing seat belts and killed in straight or oblique head-on collisions, a thorough investigation of the spine was performed. The autopsy results were correlated with the findings in the cars in order to reconstruct the events when the occupant's body struck the interior of the car. In 2 cases the victims had worn lap belts, in 15 cases shoulder belts and in 17 cases combined shoulder-lap belts (three-point belts). ⋯ When a slight impact of the head occurred minor injuries to the lower cervical spine were seen. Injuries to the thoracolumbar spine in the cases examined were the consequence of a violent extension between the upper part of the trunk held back by the shoulder belt and the pelvis restrained by the lap belt or by the knees striking the fascia panel. In front seat occupants this extension can be increased if either rear seat occupants without belts or heavy objects on the rear seat are projected forwards against their backs.
This paper reports a study of 266 patients who were admitted to an Accident Service after being involved in road traffic accidents during the four-month period from February to May in 1976. There were 216 front-seat occupants, of whom 21 per cent were wearing seat belts: 156 patients were treated as outpatients and 105 patients were admitted to the wards. ⋯ There was an 11 per cent increase in the use of seat belts compared with a similar study carried out in 1971 and random roadside surveys also showed a 10 per cent increase. The implications of these findings are discussed.
This paper reports a study of ipsilateral fractures of the femoral and tibial shafts in 21 patients treated according to a detailed plan including shock treatment, prophylaxis against fat embolism, soft-tissue and fracture treatment. Death due to hypovalaemic shock was eliminated and the incidence of fat emboliism (9-5%) reduced in comparison with an earlier series. ⋯ Results have improved compared with earlier series. All fractures healed within 15 months, and functional end results have been excellent in the majority of the surviving patients (89%).