Increasing numbers of patients survive traumatic brain injury (TBI) and cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation and are admitted to the ICU in coma. Some of these patients become brain dead; others regain consciousness. Still others become vegetative or minimally conscious, conditions called chronic disorders of consciousness and ultimately are cared for outside the ICU. ⋯ Moreover, clinical investigations have revealed that some vegetative patients can become minimally conscious and that some minimally conscious patients can gain increased awareness. Few therapies for patients with chronic disorders of consciousness have been subjected to randomized trials. Furthermore, although a small number of patients have improved neurologically with or without treatment, their overall prognosis for neurologic recovery remains poor.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is the leading cause of death in systemic sclerosis (SSc) and affects up to 12% of all patients with SSc, with a 50% mortality rate within 3 years of PAH diagnosis. Compared with the idiopathic form of PAH (IPAH), patients with SSc-associated PAH (SSc-PAH) have a threefold increased risk of death and may receive a diagnosis late in the course of disease because of insidious onset and the high prevalence of cardiac, musculoskeletal, and pulmonary parenchymal comorbidities. ⋯ Current methods for screening and longitudinal evaluation of SSc-PAH, such as the 6-min walk test, transthoracic echocardiography, and MRI, each have notable advantages and disadvantages. We provide an up-to-date, focused review of SSc-PAH and how it differs from IPAH, including pathogenesis, appropriate screening for disease onset, and new approaches to treatment and longitudinal assessment of this disease.
The success of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is established, but how to sustain benefits over the long term is less clear. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the effect of supervised exercise programs after primary PR on exercise capacity and health-related quality of life (HRQL) in individuals with COPD. ⋯ Supervised exercise programs after primary PR appear to be more effective than usual care for preserving exercise capacity in the medium term but not in the long term. In this review, there was no effect on HRQL. The small number of studies precludes a definitive conclusion as to the impact of postrehabilitation exercise maintenance on longer-term benefits in individuals with COPD.
The goals of management of COPD include reducing exposure to risk factors; improving lung function, exercise tolerance, and quality of life; and decreasing exacerbations and mortality. Pharmacologic treatments, such as inhaled β2-agonists, anticholinergics, and inhaled corticosteroids, are widely used to help achieve these goals. In addition to efficacy, medication safety is an important consideration in selecting COPD treatments. ⋯ Understanding medication safety requires assessment of the quality and appropriateness of study design, as well as knowledge of study findings, and is of paramount importance in making sound clinical judgments in the treatment of patients with COPD. In recent years, a wealth of data on COPD medications has been published from different sources, including randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and observational studies. This review discusses important considerations in interpreting data from different types of studies, summarizes the tolerability profile of COPD medications established in preapproval studies, and discusses new findings from more recent postapproval data.