Tobacco, like other popular commodities, both reflected the rhythms of early modern empires and contributed to them. People, goods, and ideas crossing the Atlantic Ocean often traveled as freight in vessels bound upon other business, and much of that was tobacco business. Using a variety of historical examples, the current article explores tobacco's economic, cultural, and labor-related worlds to show how one plant shaped institutions of human enslavement, altered colonial ecologies, offered new sensory possibilities, and ruined fortunes. ⋯ It underwrote the rise of prominent merchant and political families while shaping the daily routines of countless enslaved men, women, and children tasked with growing the plant. Tobacco leaves also offered hopes of medical treatment and trustworthy business dealings, as well as a moment of respite on a long voyage. At every stage of its evolution into a global commodity, tobacco's meanings and roles changed, becoming more fully integrated into European empire and its structures of power and profit in the process.
Advising patients before air travel is a frequently overlooked, but important, role of the physician, particularly primary care providers and pulmonary specialists. Although physiologic changes occur in all individuals during air travel, those with underlying pulmonary disease are at increased risk of serious complications and require a specific approach to risk stratification. We discuss the available tools for assessment of preflight risk and strategies to minimize potential harm. We also present a case discussion to illustrate our approach to assessing patients for air travel and discuss the specific conditions that should prompt a more thorough preflight workup.
Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction with one-way endobronchial valves is a guideline treatment option for patients with advanced emphysema that is supported by extensive scientific data. Patients limited by severe hyperinflation, with a suitable emphysema treatment target lobe and with absence of collateral ventilation, are the responders to this treatment. ⋯ This treatment does not stand alone; it especially requires extensive knowledge of COPD for which the most appropriate treatment is discussed in a multidisciplinary approach. We discuss the endobronchial valve treatment for emphysema and provide a guideline for patient selection, treatment guidance, and practice tools, based on our own experience and literature.
Physiologic and symptom responses at the ventilatory threshold (Tvent) during incremental cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) can provide important prognostic information. ⋯ A contemporary reference set of CPET responses at Tvent from Canadian adults 40 to 80 years of age is presented that differs from the previously recommended and often used reference set from 1985.
Patients with OSA can have the majority of their respiratory events in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep or in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. No previous studies have linked the different physiologic conditions in REM and NREM sleep to the common polysomnographic patterns seen in everyday clinical practice, namely REM predominant OSA (REMOSA) and NREM predominant OSA (NREMOSA). ⋯ This study is the first to link long-recognized polysomnographic patterns of OSA to underlying physiologic differences. Patients with NREMOSA have a higher loop gain in NREM sleep; patients with REMOSA have a worsening of Vpassive in REM sleep.