Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation
Background and Purpose- In this study, we aim to investigate the association of computed tomography-based markers of cerebral small vessel disease with functional outcome and recovery after intracerebral hemorrhage. Methods- Computed tomographic scans of patients in the ERICH study (Ethnic and Racial Variations of Intracerebral Hemorrhage) were evaluated for the extent of leukoaraiosis and cerebral atrophy using visual rating scales. Poor functional outcome was defined as a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) of ≥3. ⋯ Mean (SD) mRS change from discharge to 90-day follow-up was 0.57 (1.18). Increasing extent of leukoaraiosis (P for trend, 0.002) and severe global atrophy (β [SE], -0.23 [0.115]; P=0.045) were independently associated with less improvement in mRS from discharge to 90 days poststroke. Conclusions- In intracerebral hemorrhage survivors, the extent of cerebral small vessel disease at the time of intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with poor functional outcome at hospital discharge and impaired functional recovery from discharge to 90 days poststroke.
Observational Study
Brain Activity and Cerebral Oxygenation After Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke Are Associated With Neurodevelopment.
Background and Purpose- In infants with perinatal arterial ischemic stroke (PAIS), early prognosis of neurodevelopmental outcome is important to adequately inform parents and caretakers. Early continuous neuromonitoring after PAIS may improve early prognosis. Our aim was to study early cerebral electrical activity and oxygenation measured by amplitude-integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) and near-infrared spectroscopy in term neonates with PAIS and relate these to the development of cerebral palsy and cognitive deficit. ⋯ Conclusions- Recovery of background pattern on aEEG and cerebral oxygenation are both affected by PAIS and related to neurocognitive development. Both measurements may provide valuable early prognostic information. Additionally, monitoring cerebral activity and oxygenation may be useful in identifying infants eligible for early neuroprotective interventions and to detect early effects of these interventions.
Background and Purpose- The aim of this study is to determine the spatial and volumetric accuracy of infarct core estimates from relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF) by comparison with near-contemporaneous diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and evaluate whether it is sufficient for patient triage to reperfusion therapies. Methods- One hundred ninety-three patients enrolled in the DEFUSE 2 (Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging Evaluation for Understanding Stroke Evolution) and SENSE 3 (Sensitivity Encoding) stroke studies were screened, and 119 who underwent acute magnetic resonance imaging with DWI and perfusion imaging within 24 hours of onset were included. Infarct core was estimated using reduced rCBF at 12 thresholds (<0.20-<0.44) and compared against DWI (apparent diffusion coefficient <620 10-6mm2/s). ⋯ Spatial agreement was better for prediction of large infarcts (>70 mL) than small infarcts (≤70 mL), with Youden indices of 0.53 (95% CI, 0.49-0.56) and 0.34 (95% CI, 0.30-0.37), respectively. Conclusions- Strong correlation and agreement with near-contemporaneous DWI indicate that infarct core estimates obtained using rCBF are sufficiently accurate for patient triage to reperfusion therapies. The identified optimal rCBF threshold of 0.32 closely approximates the threshold currently used in clinical practice.
Background and Purpose- Deafferentation of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway has been proposed as a key mechanism of crossed cerebellar diaschisis. Although the cerebellum receives afferent stimuli from both cortico-ponto-cerebellar and spinocerebellar pathways, evidence on whether spinocerebellar deafferentation contributes to a hypofunctional cerebellum is lacking. Therefore, we aimed to determine whether changes in the spinocerebellar pathway occur after middle cerebral artery stroke. ⋯ The FA laterality index of the ICP at the pontomedullary junction was independently associated with the functional ambulation category according to the multivariate regression models. Conclusions- ICP degeneration occurs in the subacute and early chronic phase of middle cerebral artery stroke. The lower FA laterality index of the ICP was indicative of poorer ambulatory and lower limb function.