Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Mechanisms of postoperative pain: clinical indications for a contribution of central neuronal sensitization.
The relative importance of different nociceptive mechanisms for the intensity, duration, and character of postoperative pain is not well established. It has been suggested that sensitization of dorsal horn neurones may contribute to pain in the postoperative period. We hypothesized that wound hyperalgesia in postoperative patients and experimentally heat-induced secondary hyperalgesia share a common mechanism, sensitization of central neurones, and consequently, that the short-acting opioid remifentanil would have comparable effects on hyperalgesia in both conditions. ⋯ Although remifentanil is not a highly targeted "antihyperalgesic," these results support the hypothesis that both wound hyperalgesia in postoperative patients and experimentally heat-induced secondary hyperalgesia may share common mechanisms, and that central neuronal sensitization may contribute to some aspects of postoperative pain. Antihyperalgesic drugs should be further developed and evaluated in clinical trials of postoperative pain.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Both local anesthetics and salbutamol pretreatment affect reflex bronchoconstriction in volunteers with asthma undergoing awake fiberoptic intubation.
Awake tracheal intubation may evoke reflex bronchoconstriction in asthmatics. Whether this effect is altered by the choice of the local anesthetic used or by pretreatment with a beta2-adrenoceptor agonist is unknown. Therefore, we assessed the effect of awake fiberoptic intubation after lidocaine or dyclonine inhalation with or without pretreatment with salbutamol on lung function in asthmatic volunteers. ⋯ In asthmatics, awake fiberoptic intubation evokes a more than 50% decrease in FEV1 following dyclonine inhalation. Using lidocaine for topical anesthesia the decrease in FEV1 is significantly mitigated (35%) and can be even further attenuated by salbutamol pretreatment. Therefore, combined treatment with lidocaine and salbutamol can be recommended for awake intubation while the use of dyclonine, despite its excellent and longer lasting topical anesthesia, may be contraindicated in patients with bronchial hyperreactivity.