Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Simultaneous measurement and integrated analysis of analgesia and respiration after an intravenous morphine infusion.
To study the influence of morphine on chemical control of breathing relative to the analgesic properties of morphine, the authors quantified morphine-induced analgesia and respiratory depression in a single group of healthy volunteers. Both respiratory and pain measurements were performed over single 24-h time spans. ⋯ Our data indicate that systems involved in morphine-induced analgesia and respiratory depression share important pharmacodynamic characteristics. This suggests similarities in central mu-opioid analgesic and respiratory pathways (e.g., similarities in mu-opioid receptors and G proteins). The clinical implication of this study is that after morphine administration, despite lack of good pain relief, moderate to severe respiratory depression remains possible.
Lumbar facet nerve (medial branch) blocks are often used to diagnose facet joint-mediated pain. The authors recently described a new ultrasound-guided methodology. The current study determines its accuracy using computed tomography scan controls. ⋯ : The computed tomography scans confirm that our ultrasound technique for lumbar facet nerve block is highly accurate for the target at all five lumbar transverse processes (medial branches T12-L4). Aberrant contrast medium spread is comparable to that of the classic fluoroscopy-guided method.
The authors studied the influence of alpha, beta, and dopaminergic catecholamines on blood volume expansion in conscious normovolemic sheep before, during, and after a bolus infusion of a crystalloid. ⋯ Catecholamines can alter the intravascular volume expansion of fluid therapy. beta-Receptor (isoproterenol) stimulation augmented blood volume expansion, whereas alpha (phenylephrine) stimulation reduced blood volume expansion. Combined dopaminergic, beta, and possibly alpha stimulation with dopamine augmented blood volume expansion and cardiac output while inducing diuresis.
Halogenated anesthetics potentiate the positive inotropic effects of alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor stimulations. Although diabetes mellitus induces significant myocardial abnormalities, the interaction of halogenated anesthetics and adrenoceptor stimulation in diabetic myocardium remains unknown. ⋯ Potentiation of the positive inotropic effect of alpha-adrenoceptor stimulation by halogenated anesthetics is abolished in diabetic rats. In contrast, potentiation of beta-adrenoceptor stimulation is preserved with isoflurane and sevoflurane but not with halothane, probably because of its deleterious effects on sarcoplasmic reticulum.