Clinically used general anesthetics, alone or in combination, are damaging to the developing mammalian brain. In addition to causing widespread apoptotic neurodegeneration in vulnerable brain regions, exposure to general anesthesia at the peak of synaptogenesis causes learning and memory deficiencies later in life. In vivo rodent studies have suggested that activation of the intrinsic (mitochondria-dependent) apoptotic pathway is the earliest warning sign of neuronal damage, suggesting that a disturbance in mitochondrial integrity and function could be the earliest triggering events. ⋯ Developing mitochondria are exquisitely vulnerable to general anesthesia and may be important early target of anesthesia-induced developmental neurodegeneration.
Neuroplastic changes involved in latent pain sensitization after surgery are poorly defined. We assessed temporal changes in glucose brain metabolism in a postoperative rat model using positron emission tomography. We also investigated brain metabolism after naloxone administration. ⋯ Surgery, remifentanil, and their combination induced long-lasting and significant metabolic changes in the pain brain matrix, with a positive correlation with hypersensitivity after naloxone. Changes in brain F-FDG precipitated by naloxone suggest that surgery under remifentanil anesthetic induces the greatest neuroplastic brain adaptations in opioid-related pathways involved in nociceptive processing and long-lasting pain sensitization.
The time course and mechanisms of resolution and repair, and the potential for fibrosis following ventilation-induced lung injury (VILI), are unclear. We sought to examine the pattern of inflammation, injury, repair, and fibrosis following VILI. ⋯ High-stretch ventilation caused severe lung injury, activating a transient inflammatory and fibroproliferative repair response, which restored normal lung architecture without evidence of fibrosis.
Cardiac protection by volatile anesthetic-induced preconditioning and ischemic preconditioning have similar signaling pathways. Recently, it was reported that augmentation of protein modified with O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) contributes to cardiac protection. This study investigated the role of O-GlcNAc in cardiac protection induced by anesthetic-induced preconditioning. ⋯ Isoflurane induced O-GlcNAc modification of mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel. This modification inhibited the opening of the mPTP and conferred resistance to ischemia-reperfusion stress.
Noninvasive (NIBP) and intraarterial (ABP) blood pressure monitoring are used under different circumstances and may yield different values. The authors endeavored to characterize these differences and hypothesized that there could be differences in interventions associated with the use of ABP alone ([ABP]) versus ABP in combination with NIBP ([ABP+NIBP]). ⋯ NIBP was generally higher than ABP during periods of hypotension and lower than ABP during periods of hypertension. The use of NIBP measurements to supplement ABP measurements was associated with decreased use of blood transfusions, vasopressor infusions, and antihypertensive medications compared with the use of ABP alone.