Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is rigorously regulated by various powerful mechanisms to safeguard the match between cerebral metabolic demand and supply. The question of how a change in cardiac output (CO) affects CBF is fundamental, because CBF is dependent on constantly receiving a significant proportion of CO. The authors reviewed the studies that investigated the association between CO and CBF in healthy volunteers and patients with chronic heart failure. ⋯ Given that CBF regulation is multifactorial but the various processes must exert their effects on the cerebral circulation simultaneously, the authors propose a conceptual framework that integrates the various CBF-regulating processes at the level of cerebral arteries/arterioles while still maintaining autoregulation. The clinical implications pertinent to the effect of CO on CBF are discussed. Outcome research relating to the management of CO and CBF in high-risk patients or during high-risk surgeries is needed.