As the population ages, the number of elderly people undergoing surgery increases. Literature on the incidence and intensity of postoperative pain in the elderly is conflicting. This study examines associations between age and pain-related patient reported outcomes and perioperative pain management in a dataset of surgical patients undergoing four common surgeries: spinal surgery, hip or knee replacement, or laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Based on the authors' clinical experience, they hypothesize that pain scores are lower in older patients. ⋯ The authors' findings indicate that postoperative pain decreases with increasing age. The change is, however, small and of questionable clinical significance. Additionally, there are still too many patients, at any age, undergoing common surgeries who suffer from moderate to severe pain, which interferes with function, supporting the need for tailoring care to the individual patient.
Among chronic opioid users, the association between decreasing or increasing preoperative opioid utilization and postoperative outcomes is unknown. The authors hypothesized that decreasing utilization would be associated with improved outcomes and increasing utilization with worsened outcomes. ⋯ Changes in preoperative opioid utilization were not associated with clinically significant differences for several postoperative outcomes including postoperative opioid utilization.
Ellison C. Pierce, Jr., M. ⋯ The commonality of leaders and members of the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and American Society of Anesthesiologists initiatives provided the strong coordination needed for their efforts to effect change, introduce standards of care and practice parameters, obtain financial support needed to grow patient safety-oriented new knowledge, integrate industry and other relevant leaders outside of anesthesiology, and involve all anesthesia professions. By implementing successful patient safety initiatives, they promoted the recognition that anesthesiology and patient safety are inextricably linked.
Kinetics of the uptake of inhaled anesthetics have been well studied, but the kinetics of elimination might be of more practical importance. The objective of the authors' study was to assess the effect of the overall ventilation/perfusion ratio (VA/Q), for normal lungs, on elimination kinetics of desflurane and sevoflurane. ⋯ In addition to the well-known role of the lungs in the early phases of inhaled anesthetic washout, the lungs play a long-overlooked role in modulating the kinetics of tissue washout during the later stages of inhaled anesthetic elimination. The VA/Q ratio influences the kinetics of desflurane and sevoflurane elimination throughout the entire elimination, with more pronounced slowing of tissue washout at lower VA/Q ratios.