Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 1997
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe direction of the Whitacre needle aperture affects the extent and duration of isobaric spinal anesthesia.
The use of Whitacre spinal needles results in directional flow out of the needle aperture, diverting local anesthetic from the longitudinal axis of the needle. Thus, a change in orientation of the needle aperture would be expected to result in a different local anesthetic distribution in the subarachnoid space. We studied 40 outpatients undergoing elective knee arthroscopy under spinal anesthesia with 60 mg plain lidocaine 2% in a prospective, double-blinded manner. ⋯ Group I had significantly shorter duration of lumbar sensory anesthesia (149.2 +/- 30.6 min vs 177.8 +/- 23.5 min, P < 0.01) and motor blockade (117.6 +/- 26.1 min vs 150.0 +/- 22.8 min, P < 0.001). Mean time to outpatient discharge was approximately 32 min shorter in Group I. The orientation of the Whitacre needle aperture exerts a major influence on sensory level, as well as the duration of isobaric lidocaine spinal anesthesia.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 1997
Immediate tracheal extubation after liver transplantation: experience of two transplant centers.
Early tracheal extubation has been safely performed after large operative procedures, questioning the need for routine postoperative ventilation. Because immediate postoperative tracheal extubation of liver transplantation patients has not been previously reported, we performed preliminary studies at two institutions to evaluate potential risk and cost benefit. At the University of Colorado (UC), extubation criteria were derived from the retrospective analysis of patients who were ventilated less than 8 h and experienced an intensive care unit stay less than 48 h in 1994. ⋯ Wider limits on age and severity of illness did not preclude successful extubation. Cost analysis at UC showed a significant reduction in intensive care unit services and associated cost for extubated patients. We conclude that immediate postoperative tracheal extubation of selected liver transplantation patients is safe and cost effective.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 1997
Recovery from doxacurium infusion administered to produce immobility for more than four days in pediatric patients in the intensive care unit.
Doxacurium was administered by titrated infusion to 14 pediatric patients for 4.7-12.3 days after laryngotracheal reconstruction to produce minimum spontaneous movement and less than five posttetanic movements of the first toe after stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve. Recovery was documented by stimulation of the ulnar nerve with 2 Hz for 2 s (train-of-four [TOF]) at intervals of 1 min and measurement of the ratio of the fourth to the first response (TOF ratio) at the adductor pollicis. ⋯ In six of the patients, weakness and decreased coordination were noted for a few days to weeks postoperatively. There were no complications related to impairment of upper airway function or ventilation in those patients who had recovery of neuromuscular transmission to the extent of TOF ratio equal to 1 prior to extubation or in those patients in whom weakness or lack of coordination was noted after tracheal extubation.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Feb 1997
A common epineural sheath for the nerves in the popliteal fossa and its possible implications for sciatic nerve block.
Sciatic nerve block in the popliteal fossa is associated with a highly variable success rate. Frequently, anesthesia is profound in the distribution of both the tibial (TN) and common peroneal nerves (CPN), although the response to nerve stimulation or paresthesia is obtained in the distribution of one division of the nerve. However, anesthesia in the distribution of only one division of the nerve is also a common occurrence under apparently identical clinical circumstances. ⋯ In a majority of the legs, the dye reached the division of the sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa, bathing both the TN and CPN. Gross inspection and histologic examination of the sciatic nerve specimens revealed a common epineural sheath enveloping the TN and CPN. The presence of the common epineural sheath and its characteristics may have important clinical implications for sciatic nerve blockade in the popliteal fossa.