Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Mar 2000
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialWhat concentration of sufentanil should be combined with ropivacaine 0.2% wt/vol for postoperative patient-controlled epidural analgesia?
In this randomized double-blinded study, we sought to determine an optimal dose-combination of sufentanil with ropivacaine 0.2% wt/vol as postoperative epidural analgesics. One hundred twenty patients undergoing major abdominal surgery under general and thoracic epidural anesthesia (T9-11) were assigned to groups receiving patient-controlled epidural analgesia with ropivacaine 0.2% wt/vol (R), ropivacaine 0.2% wt/vol + sufentanil 0.5 microg/mL (R+S0.5), 0. 75 microg/mL (R+S0.75), 1.0 microg/mL (R+S1). A visual analog score of less than 40 was considered effective, and all side effects were recorded. In randomized subgroups (10 patients per group), plasma pharmacokinetic data were obtained for both epidural drugs. Four patients in Group R and two in Group R+S0.5 were excluded because of inadequate analgesia. The drug infusion rates (range of means: 5.4-5. 9 mL/h) were similar in all patients. Analgesia was superior for sufentanil 0.75 microg/mL with no further enhancement by the larger sufentanil concentration of 1 microg/mL. Sufentanil plasma levels were within the range of the minimal effective concentrations (highest in R+S1), and there was no covariation between plasma levels and pain relief. Free ropivacaine plasma concentrations remained stable for 96 h. No severe side effects were detected, although pruritus correlated with an increasing dose of sufentanil. We conclude that the combination of ropivacaine 0.2% wt/vol and 0.75 microg/mL sufentanil provided the best analgesia with the fewest side effects of the three combinations tested. ⋯ Sufentanil is added to epidural infusions of ropivacaine 0.2% wt/vol to improve the effectiveness of postoperative pain management. Regarding the risk of side effects, however, it is still unclear what concentration of sufentanil should be added to the local anesthetic. For postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia after major abdominal surgery, the combination of ropivacaine 0.2% wt/vol and 0.75 microg/mL sufentanil resulted in an appropriate cost:benefit ratio between good analgesia and side effects.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Mar 2000
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialIs an infusion pump necessary to safely administer remifentanil?
We sought to determine if remifentanil could be administered as safely and effectively from an IV drip as from a calculator pump, because not all anesthesiologists have access to a calculator pump. Forty healthy adults undergoing outpatient knee arthroscopy were premedicated with midazolam, 2 mg. Total IV anesthesia was induced with propofol by bolus (2 mg/kg) and maintained by a continuous infusion of propofol and remifentanil. On a randomized, double-blinded basis, they received, IV, either remifentanil (50 microg/mL) by syringe from an infusion pump or from a bag of saline containing remifentanil 20 microg/mL through a minidrip set. The remifentanil infusion syringe pump rate was 0.4 microg. kg(-1). min(-1) until skin incision and then 0.2 microg. kg(-1). min(-1), whereas that from the bag/minidrip set was set to approximate the delivery rate from the pump. Both a syringe pump and bag/minidrip set infusion were administered to each patient but only one contained remifentanil, that one being determined in a randomized, double-blinded manner. There were no differences in demographic data, time to recovery of open eyes, response to command, ability to speak (approximately 7 min), total dose and time of administration of propofol and remifentanil, the incidence of intraoperative hypotension and bradycardia, and postoperative shivering. We demonstrated that remifentanil can be administered as safely and effectively from a bag with a minidrip set as from a syringe in a calculator infusion pump, provided the anesthesiologist is paying attention to the drip rate from the bag. ⋯ Because remifentanil is rapidly degraded in the body, it can be safely and effectively administered from a bag through a minidrip set. We showed that there was no difference with this less expensive method of administration than from the more precise method of a calculator infusion pump.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Mar 2000
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialPlatelet-rich plasma sequestration, with therapeutic platelet yields, reduces allogeneic transfusion in complex cardiac surgery.
Platelet dysfunction is the most common cause of nonsurgical bleeding after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). We hypothesized that reinfusion of a therapeutic quantity of platelets sequestered before CPB would decrease the need for allogeneic platelet transfusion, as well as decrease bleeding and total allogeneic transfusion, in cardiac surgery patients at moderately high risk for bleeding. Fifty-five patients undergoing either reoperative coronary artery bypass (CABG) or combined CABG and valve replacement were randomized to control or platelet-rich plasma sequestration (pheresis) groups. All patients received intraoperative epsilon-aminocaproic acid infusions. There was no significant difference between groups with respect to preoperative characteristics, duration of CPB, or target postoperative hematocrit. Mean platelet yields were 6.2 +/- 2.1 units (3.1 x 10(11) platelets). Mean pheresis time was 44 min. Allogeneic platelets (range = 6-12 units) were transfused to 28% of control patients, compared with 0% of pheresis patients (P < 0.01). Allogeneic packed red blood cells were transfused to 45% of control patients (1.2 units per patient) versus 31% of pheresis patients (0. 7 unit per patient) (P = 0.35). Total allogeneic units transfused were significantly reduced in the pheresis group (P < 0.02). Mediastinal chest tube drainage was not significantly decreased in the pheresis group. In this prospective, randomized study, therapeutic platelet yields were obtained before CPB. In contrast with recent studies with low platelet yields, these data support the conclusion that platelet-rich plasma sequestration is effective in reducing allogeneic platelet transfusions and total allogeneic units transfused in cardiac surgery patients at moderately high risk for post-CPB coagulopathy and bleeding. ⋯ Transfusion of allogeneic blood products, including platelets, is common during complex cardiac surgical procedures. In the present prospective, randomized study, a significant reduction in allogeneic platelet transfusion and total allogeneic units transfused was observed after the reinfusion of a therapeutic quantity of autologous platelets sequestered before cardiopulmonary bypass.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Mar 2000
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe inhibition of epidural morphine-induced pruritus by epidural droperidol.
IV droperidol inhibits epidural morphine-induced pruritus, but this effect disappears when the dose is increased from 2.5 to 5.0 mg. This study was performed to determine whether epidural droperidol would have a similar effect. In this double-blinded study, we enrolled 140 patients undergoing Cesarean delivery under epidural anesthesia who were randomly allocated to four groups. Anesthesia consisted of 150 mg of 0.5% bupivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine, with 2 mg of morphine and 0.0, 1.25, 2.5, or 5.0 mg of droperidol (Groups 1 to 4). During the postoperative period, patients were assessed for pruritus (absent, mild, moderate, or severe) and other untoward symptoms. The chi(2) test was used to compare the incidence of the side effects. For the analysis of pruritus, we used the Mantel-Haenszel test for linear association. Droperidol induced a dose-related reduction in the incidence of pruritus (P < 0.001). This reduction was independent of the incidence of somnolence, which increased with droperidol dose (P < 0.05 when the incidence of somnolence in Groups 1 and 4 was compared). We conclude that droperidol, in doses up to 5 mg epidurally, induces a dose-related reduction in the incidence of pruritus without inducing significant side effects. ⋯ Epidural morphine is effective for pain control but yields some side effects, including pruritus, that can be severe. Studying patients undergoing Cesarean delivery, we found a dose-related reduction in the incidence of pruritus using epidural droperidol.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Mar 2000
Cardiovascular criteria for epidural test dosing in sevoflurane- and halothane-anesthetized children.
This study was designed to determine the detectability of a simulated IV test dose in children during administration of general anesthesia by using heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and T wave criterion. Forty-two children (0.5-8 yr old) received an IV injection containing epinephrine 0.5 microg/kg and another IV injection containing saline during either halothane or sevoflurane anesthesia administration at 1.0 minimum alveolar concentration in nitrous oxide. A positive test response was defined as a change in T wave amplitude >/=25%, SBP increase >/=15 mm Hg, and HR increase >/=10 bpm. By using the T wave, SBP, and HR criteria, a positive response rate to epinephrine was 100%, 95%, and 71%, respectively, during sevoflurane, and 90%, 71%, and 71%, respectively, during halothane anesthesia administration. These data suggest that the T wave criterion is superior to conventional hemodynamic criteria, and that sevoflurane attenuates T wave and SBP responses less than halothane; however, chronotropic responses are similar to halothane. ⋯ We found a greater reliability of the T wave criterion over conventional hemodynamic criteria for detecting intravascular injection of a simulated epidural test dose. Sevoflurane may increase the likelihood of recognition of an accidental intravascular injection of epinephrine-containing solutions in clinical practice compared with halothane.