Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialFour-injection brachial plexus block using peripheral nerve stimulator: a comparison between axillary and humeral approaches.
We conducted this prospective, randomized study to compare the success rate, performance time, and onset time of surgical anesthesia of a four-injection brachial plexus block performed at the axillary (Group Axillary; n = 50) or at the humeral (Group Humeral; n = 50) level using a peripheral nerve stimulator. All patients received 40 mL of a mixture of equal parts of 0.5% bupivacaine and 2% lidocaine. Four patients in Group Axillary and two in Group Humeral were excluded from the study because all of the four nerves were not localized in the allotted time. The incidence of complete block (91% versus 89%), defined as block of all the sensory areas below the elbow, and the onset time of sensory block (15 +/- 6 min versus 16 +/- 7 min) were not different between the groups. The performance time was shorter in Group Humeral (7 +/- 2 min versus 8 +/- 2 min; P < 0.005). Block performance pain was lower in Group Axillary patients (16 +/- 9 min versus 23 +/- 12 min; P < 0.005). For four-injection brachial plexus block, we conclude that both the axillary and the humeral approaches provide a high success rate and a rapid onset of sensory anesthesia; the differences found between the groups could be considered clinically unimportant. ⋯ Two methods of brachial plexus block using a nerve-stimulator were compared in a prospective study. A four-injection technique was performed at the axillary or at the humeral level. Both approaches provided a fast onset and a high success rate. The differences found between the groups could be considered clinically unimportant.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialRemifentanil, fentanyl, and cardiac surgery: a double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial of costs and outcomes.
Remifentanil may be beneficial in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery, by promoting hemodynamic stability, reducing drug requirements, and attenuating the neurohumoral "stress response." We enrolled 77 cardiac surgical patients in a double-blinded, randomized trial and randomly allocated them to one of three groups: remifentanil infusion at 0.83 micro g. kg(-1). min(-1) (Group R); fentanyl bolus, small dose, at 12 micro g/kg (Group FLD); and fentanyl bolus, moderate dose, at 24 micro g/kg (Group FMD). We found a significant difference in the median time to tracheal extubation: Group FLD, 6.5 h; Group R, 7.3 h; and Group FMD, 9.7 h (P = 0.025). Group R patients had similar times to those of Groups FLD (P = 0.14) and FMD (P = 0.30). Group FLD patients had a longer length of hospital stay (P = 0.030). Patients in Group R had a significantly infrequent rate of hypertension but a frequent rate of hypotension (P < 0.01). The urinary cortisol excretion was larger in Group FLD patients (P < 0.0005), and urine flow was smaller (P < 0.0005). Remifentanil was associated with a propofol dose reduction (P = 0.0005) and a concomitant higher bispectral index (P = 0.032). Three Group FLD patients, but none in groups FMD and R, had postoperative myocardial infarctions (P = 0.032). Remifentanil has larger drug acquisition costs but does not increase the total hospital costs associated with cardiac surgery. ⋯ Remifentanil did not significantly reduce the duration of tracheal intubation after cardiac surgery. Remifentanil, when compared with fentanyl (total doses of approximately 15 and 28 micro g/kg), blunts the hypertensive responses associated with cardiac surgery but is associated with more hypotension; when compared with fentanyl 15 micro g/kg, remifentanil reduces cortisol excretion. Larger-dose opioids (remifentanil 0.85 micro g. kg(-1). min(-1) or fentanyl 28 micro g/kg) were associated with a decreased rate of myocardial infarction after cardiac surgery.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialA comparison of the laryngeal tube with the laryngeal mask airway during routine surgical procedures.
The laryngeal mask airway (LMA; Laryngeal Mask Company, Henley-on-Thames, UK) is an established airway device, whereas the laryngeal tube (LT) is relatively new and therefore not as well investigated. Therefore, the purpose of the present prospective, randomized, controlled trial was to compare the LT with the LMA in routine clinical practice. In 50 patients undergoing general anesthesia for minor routine surgery, standardized anesthesia was induced and maintained with alfentanil and propofol. Patients were randomized to controlled ventilation (fraction of inspired oxygen = 0.4; fraction of inspired nitrous oxide = 0.6; tidal volume = 7 mL/kg; respiratory rate = 10 breaths/min) with the LT (n = 25) or the LMA (n = 25). Oxygen saturation was recorded before the induction of anesthesia and after the administration of oxygen. After 2 and 10 min of ventilation with the LT or LMA, oxygen saturation, end-expiratory carbon dioxide, expiratory tidal volume, and peak airway pressure were recorded. Capillary blood gas samples were taken before the induction of anesthesia and after 10 min of ventilation. Time of insertion and airway leak pressure of each device were measured. The time of insertion was comparable with both devices (LT versus LMA, median 21 s versus 19 s; P = not significant). Blood gas samples and ventilation variables revealed sufficient ventilation and oxygenation with either device (P = not significant). Peak airway pressure (LT, 17 +/- 3 cm H(2)O; LMA, 15 +/- 3 cm H(2)O) and airway leak pressure (LT, 36 +/- 3 cm H(2)O; LMA, 22 +/- 3 cm H(2)O) were significantly (P < 0.05) higher when using the LT compared with the LMA. In conclusion, using the LT and LMA resulted in comparable ventilation and oxygenation variables in this model of ASA physical status I and II patients undergoing routine surgical procedures. The newly developed LT may be a simple alternative device to secure the airway. ⋯ The laryngeal tube, a newly developed airway device, and the laryngeal mask airway were used to ventilate patients in the operating room. Both airway devices proved to be effective and safe; however, the laryngeal tube allowed greater airway pressure during ventilation.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 2002
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialThe analgesic effect of gabapentin and mexiletine after breast surgery for cancer.
We investigated the analgesic efficacy of mexiletine and gabapentin on acute and chronic pain associated with cancer breast surgery in 75 patients. They were randomized to receive, in a double-blinded manner, mexiletine 600 mg/d, gabapentin 1200 mg/d, or placebo for 10 days. Anesthesia was standardized, and all patients had access to routine postoperative analgesics on demand. The visual analog scale score assessed pain at rest and after movement. Three months later, all patients were interviewed to identify intensity of chronic pain and analgesic requirements. Mexiletine and gabapentin reduced codeine consumed from the second to tenth day by 50% (P = 0.029; P = 0.018 and P = 0.035 for mexiletine versus control and gabapentin versus control comparisons, respectively). Total paracetamol consumption was also reduced during the same time (P = 0.0085; P = 0.007 and P = 0.011 for the mexiletine and gabapentin groups when compared with the control, respectively). Pain at rest and after movement was reduced by both drugs on the third postoperative day. Pain after movement also was reduced by gabapentin between the second and fifth postoperative day. Three months later, the incidence of chronic pain, its intensity, and need for analgesics were not affected by either treatment. However, burning pain was more frequent in the control group (P = 0.033). ⋯ Patients undergoing breast surgery for cancer may develop chronic pain. We evaluated the effect of mexiletine and gabapentin on the acute and chronic pain after breast surgery for cancer. Both drugs reduced the postoperative analgesic requirements, and particularly, gabapentin reduced pain after movement. The overall incidence of chronic pain was unaffected except for burning pain.