Anesthesia and analgesia
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2003
The effect of inhaled colforsin daropate on contractility of fatigued diaphragm in dogs.
We studied the effect of inhaled colforsin daropate, a water-soluble forskolin derivative, on the contractility of fatigued diaphragm in dogs. Animals were divided into 3 groups of 8. In each group, diaphragmatic fatigue was induced by intermittent supramaximal bilateral electrophrenic stimulation at a frequency of 20-Hz stimulation applied for 30 min. Immediately after the end of the fatigue-producing period, Group 1 received inhaled vehicle, Group 2 received inhaled colforsin daropate 0.1 mg/mL, and Group 3 received inhaled colforsin daropate 0.2 mg/mL. We assessed diaphragmatic contractility by transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi). After fatigue was produced, in each group, Pdi at low-frequency (20-Hz) stimulation decreased from baseline values (P < 0.05), and there was no change in Pdi at high-frequency (100-Hz) stimulation. In Groups 2 and 3, during colforsin daropate inhalation, Pdi at both stimuli increased from fatigued values (P < 0.05). The increase in Pdi was significantly larger in Group 3 than in Group 2. The integrated electrical activity of the diaphragm did not change in any group. We conclude that inhaled colforsin daropate causes an increase in contractility of fatigued canine diaphragm in a dose-related fashion. ⋯ Diaphragmatic fatigue may contribute to the development of respiratory failure. Inhaled colforsin daropate improves, in a dose-dependent manner, the contractility of fatigued diaphragm in dogs.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2003
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialGinger does not prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic surgery.
The potential antiemetic effect of two different oral doses of the herbal remedy ginger (Zingiber officinale) to prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting in 180 patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopy was investigated in this randomized, double-blinded trial. Ginger failed to reduce the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting after these procedures.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2003
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialContinuous interscalene brachial plexus block for postoperative pain control at home: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study.
In this study, we investigated the efficacy of patient-controlled regional analgesia for outpatients undergoing moderately painful orthopedic surgery of the shoulder. Preoperatively, patients (n = 20) received an interscalene nerve block and perineural catheter. Postoperatively, patients were discharged home with both oral opioids and a portable infusion pump delivering either 0.2% ropivacaine or 0.9% saline, determined randomly in a double-blinded manner. Daily end points included pain scores, opioid use and side effects, sleep quality, and technique complications. Ropivacaine (n = 10) infusion significantly reduced pain compared with saline (n = 10) infusion. The average pain at rest (scale: 0-10) on postoperative day 1 (median, 25th-75th percentiles) was 4.8 (4.0-5.0) for the saline group, versus 0.0 (0.0-2.0) for the ropivacaine group (P < 0.001). Oral opioid use and related side effects were also significantly decreased in the ropivacaine group. On postoperative day 1, median tablet consumption was 8.0 (6.5-9.5) and 0.5 (0.0-1.0) for the saline and ropivacaine groups, respectively (P < 0.001). Sleep disturbance scores were nearly threefold greater on the first postoperative night for patients receiving saline (P = 0.013). We conclude that after moderately painful orthopedic surgery of the shoulder, ropivacaine infusion using a portable infusion pump and an interscalene perineural catheter at home decreased pain, opioid use and related side effects, and sleep disturbances. ⋯ This randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study demonstrated that ropivacaine, infused with a portable infusion pump via an interscalene perineural catheter for 3 days at home, significantly decreased postoperative pain after orthopedic surgery of the shoulder. In addition to providing potent analgesia and increasing patient satisfaction, perineural infusion decreased opioid requirements and their associated side effects.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2003
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe effect of remifentanil on seizure duration and acute hemodynamic responses to electroconvulsive therapy.
We designed this prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover study to evaluate the effect of different doses of remifentanil on the acute hemodynamic response and duration of seizure activity after a standardized electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) stimulus. Twenty consenting patients with major depressive disorders receiving maintenance ECT participated in this study. Eighty ECT treatments were evaluated. All patients were premedicated with glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg IV, unconsciousness was induced with methohexital 1 mg/kg IV, and muscle paralysis was produced with succinylcholine 1.2 mg/kg IV. Subsequently, patients received 1 of 3 different doses of remifentanil 25, 50, and 100 microg or saline (control) in a random sequence immediately after methohexital at 4 consecutive ECT treatments. Labetalol, in 5-mg IV boluses, was used as a rescue antihypertensive medication. A fixed suprathreshold electrical stimulus was administered to elicit a seizure, and the times from the stimulus to the cessation of the motor and electroencephalographic (EEG) seizure activity were noted. Pre- and post-ECT blood pressure values were significantly decreased in the 100- microg remifentanil group compared with the control group. The durations of motor (38 +/- 9 s to 43 +/- 15 s) and EEG (55 +/- 29 s to 60 +/- 21 s) seizure activity were not significantly different among the four groups. Similarly, recovery times to eye opening, obeying commands, and discharge from the recovery room did not differ among the four study groups. The requirement for labetalol after ECT was nonsignificantly decreased in the remifentanil groups. In conclusion, remifentanil 100 microg IV attenuated the acute hemodynamic response to ECT. Furthermore, remifentanil had no adverse effect on the duration of ECT-induced seizure activity. Finally, adjunctive use of remifentanil did not prolong recovery times or increase post-ECT side effects. ⋯ Remifentanil (100 microg IV) attenuated the acute hemodynamic response after electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) without adversely affecting the length of the ECT-induced seizure activity or prolonging recovery times.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2003
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialA liberalized fasting guideline for formula-fed infants does not increase average gastric fluid volume before elective surgery.
Recommended preoperative fasting intervals for infant formula vary from 4 to 8 h. We conducted a prospective, randomized, observer-blinded trial of 97 ASA physical status I and II infants scheduled for elective surgery to determine whether average gastric fluid volume (GFV) recovered from infants formula-fasted for 4 h (liberalized fast, Group L) differed from that recovered from infants allowed clear liquids up until 2 h, but fasted 8 h for formula and solids (traditional fast, Group T). In Group L, 31 of 39 subjects followed protocol and ingested formula 4-6 h before surgery. In Group T, 36 of 58 subjects followed protocol, taking clear liquids 2-5 h before the induction of anesthesia. Thirty subjects had prolonged fasts and were included only in a secondary intent-to-treat analysis. Respective mean age (5.7 +/- 2.3 versus 6.4 +/- 2.4 mo; range, 0.7-10.5 mo), weight (7.5 +/- 1.8 versus 7.5 +/- 1.1 kg), and volume of last feed (4.9 +/- 2.2 versus 4.0 +/- 2.3 oz.) did not vary between Groups L and T. GFV (L: 0.19 +/- 0.38 versus T: 0.16 +/- 0.30 mL/kg) and gastric fluid pH (L: 2.5 +/- 0.5 versus T: 2.9 +/- 1.3) did not vary. For all subjects, GFV (mL/kg) increased with age (Spearman correlation coefficient = +0.23, P = 0.03). Infant irritability and hunger and parent satisfaction were similar between groups. We conclude that average GFV after either a 4- to 6-h fast for infant formula or 2-h fast after clear liquids is small and not significantly different between groups. On the basis of these findings, clinicians may consider liberalizing formula feedings to 4 h before surgery in selected infants. ⋯ Healthy infants aged < or =10.5 mo may drink formula up to 4 h before surgery without increasing gastric fluid volume compared with infants allowed clear liquids up to 2 h and formula 8 h before surgery.